
2011-08-31 Textbooks

I want to own the university bookstore. They make so much money through ripping off poor students. This is why students are always so poor :( Unfortunately I'm joining such unfortunate population. -sigh- Despite my search for good deals, the new books I have to buy makes me very sad. Today I went to the bookstore and got the two books I needed to buy new. Stupid ENG112 Custom Package is only a few photocopies and IT COSTS LIKE $33!!!!!! jalj@*HEfdf9#2dffi@I!!!!! -_____________- Now all I'm missing is the ECON 101 book which costs $100 or so. uuuuurrrrgggggggg And to think this is only for term 1. OMG gakdjfaaiefjdk -dies-

When I was searching online for the books I realized that the ones with notes written in are sold at a low price because the condition is not as good. Personally I don't mind notes. I actually think they'd be useful to study and do questions with! It's like getting free notes! :) And such a good deal too XD

Okay so here's a chart of my books, original costs, and my savings:
   Academic Writing: And Introduction
   Bookstore: $56.50
   Spent: $15.00
   Save: $41.50

   Custom Package
   Bookstore: $36.25
   Spent: $36.25
   Save: $0.00 (....a complete rip-off =__= the material better be useful! >__<)

CHEM 121
   Integrated Resources (CHIRP)
   Bookstore: $50.65
   Spent: $10.00
   Save: $40.65

   Lab Manual
   Bookstore: $35.20
   Spent: $35.20
   Save: $0.00 (this has so much more worth than that English custom package)

   Molecular Model Set
   Bookstore: $46.25
   Spent: $25.00
   Save: $21.25

BIO 112
   Biological Sciences with Short Guide to Writing About Biology and Access Code
   Bookstore: $159.75
   Spent: $50.00 (actually bought for $100 but since I'm sharing with a friend, we each pay $50 :D)
   Save: $109.75

   Bookstore: $41.30
   Spent: $15.00
   Save: $26.30

ECON 101
   Gateman Package
   Bookstore: ~$134.00
   Spent: most likely $134.00
   Save: nada =_=

Bookstore Total: $559.90
Spending Total: $320.45
Total Savings: $239.45 (not including stupid tax from bookstore)

Not as much savings as I had hoped...more like it's all ECON 101's fault :( I'm just hoping to get the ECON 101 book value back when I sell it after the semester. Oh please let me sell it at a good price >____< Well I guess spending ~$300 on books is better than ~$500 :)

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