

2011-08-31 Dollar Project FTW

Having gotten a place after been wait-listed I was expecting this Freshman Tour Welcome to be really exciting and fun. It turned out to be the lamest thing I had ever attended. What is fun? No. Did I learn anything? No. Did I find any cool places on campus? No. This entire Amazing Race thing is so childish. I feel like a junior high kid. All you do is go to places (you don't even know what the place is for), do some random activity (the stupidest was in the library looking for people...I felt so bad for the students who were actually using the library to do work cuz we were so loud) and earn points and go to the next station. lame lame lame. And the biggest thing that bothered me was their recruitment. I kind of got what DP do now but they never emphasize on that. They just kept saying how if you join today membership is $8 and not $10 and they can provide volunteer experience that'll look good on resume. Uh well can you describe your events? your future goals? and the main philosophy of the organization first? Not to mention they delayed the event for an entire hour. You can't even meet a lot of new people other than the people in your team in which they are all friends with each other already (went to the same high school). In conclusion, I'm not going to waste $10 and join DP and the afternoon was a waste of time. 

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