

2010-12-20 Body Worlds

Guess what I found! The ticket to Body Worlds! LOL old ticket that is. wow I can't believe summer was almost half a year ago @__@ I went to see Body Worlds during my road trip to Calgary and Drumheller. It was my first time seeing the exhibition (my bio teacher talked about it though) and too bad no picture-taking was allowed. I guess this is the last evidence indicating that I actually went to the show before. haha.

But let's reflect (since I never blogged about it afterward): it was cool but also kind of disturbing. I was blown away by how the organs, bodies were presented. It was unreal -- definitely something I had never expected. The body is cut up in different ways but still part of the human body overall. There was this man with his entire body chopped into different vertical sections. While it's cool to see what's underneath the skin, it was also kind of a cruel thing to do to a body though...even if it's dead. There was one where the woman still has a baby inside her! How they preserved every body was amazing ~ all the nerve fibres, blood vessels, muscle seems so strong! And how they make all the bodies do different movements is amazing. I think the preservation technique was called plastination.

I got to see diseased organs too! I remember clearly the display of a smoker's lung and a coalminer's lung vs normal lung. The coalminer's lung is like a huge charcoal!! @___@ wow. I also really liked the blood vessels exhibit! Here are some photos I found on the web. I'm glad someone was able to picture document this incredible exhibition! :)
blood vessel configuration of the head -- amazing huh?
the drawer man -- I can see why. haha
the soccer player
the X-lady
woman bearing child
source of photos: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/ftimages/2009/03/05/1235842548044.html

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