

2011-01-21 New Theme So Soon? + Spazziness + Tumblr

omg rage! Why is my computer always so messed up. grrrrrr. I reformatted it not even a month ago and it froze on my twice today. rawr T_____T

Okay, so I changed my theme...again. What's up with that? Well you see I dislike using classic themes. It bothers me extremely that every theme has tabs for entries, about, links, and tagboard. What annoyed me to the extreme is that there's no "older" or "newer" post button! To read old posts, you have to go all the way to archive, find the post, click it, then you have to once again go to entry tab to read it. soooo troublesome. I like my blog simple and clean SVP!! I only used that classic theme because I wanted music playback while browsing through posts and not been cut off after every other minute. Don't you just hate how blogs have music but every time you navigate something, the music gets cut off and later it plays the same thing again? urg. I totally do not want that in mine so I thought to place the music player in a fix navigation bar...and only classic themes have that. But since I found the music player now, I am no longer restricted. YAYAY!~ So of course, I'm back with new blogger templates and gosh I love the template designer blogger now offers! It's so convenient to use! :D I am very satisfied with my layout right now. I am always attracted to the simplicity of tumblr themes (thus one of the reasons why I have a tumblr haha) so I always wanted a somewhat similar layout on blog. I think this one is my simplest yet.

Speaking of tumblr, so many people switched to tumblr blogs! I must relink them. haha. But I think I'll stick for blog for a while. I like tumblr because it's easy to use as photologs and has real nice layouts but I think it lacks many features that a blog should have. Firstly, comments. You can't comment on tumblr posts! All you can do is like or reblog. uhhhhh do you really want other people to reblog your personal posts? Isn't that kind of awkward? But more importantly, your friends can't comment about your posts ;( Won't it be awkward if you ask a question on your post and nobody answers? yeah I thought so. Secondly, I think archive for tumblr is a big messy, especially when you have a lot of posts. (like for this month, I blogged around 400 posts..@___@) Either you have to tag and remember your tags or you have to leaf through all the other posts in order to find the one you want. (speaking of which I spent like 5 hours re-tagging my 2010 tumblr posts so I can find them easier later one...I really have no life. LOL) Also, the music, video, reblogs, journals, etc are all mixed in together...not very convenient to find stuff. In my opinion, the visual archive is only good for photo posts under 100/month.  Blogs, on the other hand, have lists and categories that also lists out the titles of posts too! It's also a lot easier to edit your posts. Tumblr has this feature called private posts, but I never end up finding those cuz they are amongst hundreds of other posts and there is not even a link to it. @___@ Thirdly, blog layouts are much versatile. You can do all sorts of things to it: add java, add different widgets, etc. Tumblr, on the other hand, offers much less flexibility. And because of these reasons, I will still blog in blogs and reblog in tumblr XD It keeps everything organized and separate too!

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