

2009-07-07 Second Guessing My Likes of Personal Info on Web...Again

"To post or not to post. That is the question."

Before creating new accounts of various websites, it is a familiar routine for users to accept the site's terms and conditions. With gazillion headings and subheading in small, fine prints, how many people actually read the every little detail that is on there...I mean, who even reads it??!! At least I don't. It's a pretty bad habit for me not reading what I agree on which is why I was quite shocked to hear that on facebook has a section that claims that anything you post on facebook become theirs. That includes YOUR personal comments, photos, vids..etc. O-O OMG ssccarrryy!!

I feel like the people behind facebook are creeeeppyy stalkers...CCRREEPPPYYY!!!


So I was thinking...maybe I shouldn't go on facebook anymore except for Pet Society...yet I just went on there earlier and I didn't go on Pet Society...hehehe...or maybe I just won't post up anymore photos on there....

Think this is bad? Well I just read a scarier article about people search engines on "PC World" magazine. Yes that's right, PEOPLE search engines. I remember a year ago, I did come across one particular people search engine when I was stalking myself...hehe I'm completely wacko heh? haha...Anyways I just typed in my email and voila, my accounts on bebo, facebook, at time hi5 were immediately listed. O_O OMG *panick attack*. After that, I deleted all the accounts I didn't need, like Hi5. I never found that site again to see if I'm really gone form their database >.<>OTHERS'..not Theirs but others' ONLINE ACTIVITIES!!!..not just accounts but PERSONAL INFO!!.. OMG OMG STALLKER ALLERT!!

If you visit the site, it actually said: "Uncover personal photos, videos, and secrets...GUARANTEED"

ohh and you got to visit the homepage and read the review! It's the creepiest!

"It's pretty surprising to find out what people (who you think you know) are listening to on Pandora or Twittering about. The best part is they don't have to know you're keeping track of them. --Erick Schonfeld Editor of "TechCrunch"

Golly! It's like the ultimate site for stalkers by stalkers. AHH....is this even legal??!! I mean they are taking other people's personal info and selling it for money!! Facebook or other social sites may have claimed ownership over what you post but at the same time shouldn't these social networks also be protecting your privacy??!!

great. now I feel even less motivated to go on facebook...


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