

2009-05-10 Update!

Well hello May!

This month certainly didn't start well for me. I was so sick and dead.
I was shivering in cold sweat.
Had fevers
And all symptons of the swine flu
But I'm ALL better now.

And this weekend. I cleaned and updated my computer. I didn't do that since Christmas Break. It felt soooooo good.

So there will be lots of postings up because there are bits and pieces of everything I found in my laptop.
But that said. I need to go back to schoolwork. I'm so bad that I didn't do anything educational this weekend. So I must get back to hardcore working! OMG I'm such a procrastinator.

Oh and what's with all the sudden emoticons? Well I'm happy to say I found ways to use emotes on blogs! How amazing is that?

And last but not least. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

Okay must go now.


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  1. ≈ ⓐ S h L e ⓔ said... May 10, 2009 at 9:40 PM

    yeah i was thinking... jenny must have a lot of time on her hands (i would never be able to put in codes for all those pictures -.- img src= blah...) so is it something u downloaded that makes it easier?

    yeah clean ups feel good...i did a clean up of my room...it felt great actually...found a lot of amazing things XD that i had no idea i had...

    ALL BETTER? as in completely...does that mean i dont have to avoid you now (xD jkjk i never avoided you when u had swineflu symptoms...>.> lol)