
Astrology Fun

Birthdays, Chinese zodiacs, star signs…Reading astrology is sort of learning more about yourself and reading your future. Astrology is also a way to get to know about other people…in a kind of stalky and creepy way if you think about it blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com…but still, it’s fun blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

Now think about it. Won’t it be so cool if there are revelations for everyone in the world based on every single day for 366 days? What’s even more awesome is that such book actually exists!! The book is called “What Your Birthday Reveals About You” by Phyllis Vega!

There are three sections to this book:
1. Zodiac Signs
2. Nine Basic Numbers
3. 366 Birthdays of the Year

The zodiac signs are divided into three qualities (represent types of activities) and four elements (represent tendencies of temperaments)

The Qualities:

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
  • Initiate action (then often lose interest).
  • Tend to be active, independent, social, and outgoing
Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
  • Stabilize and preserve what has been started.
  • Tend to be constant, reliable, and determined, but stubborn, inflexible, and resistant to change
Mutable: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces <-- mine!!
  • Diffuse and pass on what has been started and stabilize
  • Tend to be flexible, resourceful, adaptable, and quick to learn. Hmm yes. I am very flexible and adaptable based on the situation.
  • However they are also changeable and easily swayed away from their purpose. Haha true true.
The Elements:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Active, energetic, courageous, idealistic (hmm I don’t think so. I’m definitely more of a realist), self-sufficient (hooray for independence!), and dynamic (peace)
  • Initiative, vision, and need to be in charge push them toward positions of leadership (not really…well perhaps I like things my way...and maybe I'm a little bossy at times)

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Practical, definite, cautious, pragmatic, good at managing people and things
  • Need for stability and security keeps them down to earth and focused on the material world
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Intellectual, communicative, social, and articulate
  • Need to acquire, understand, communicate, and compare information prompt them to use, share and apply what they know
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Sensitive, emotional, intuitive, romantic, and fruitful
  • Need to feel rather think makes their psychic, creative, fluid, and changeable
Now the Zodiac Signs:
  • Aries the Pioneer
  • Taurus the Collector
  • Gemini the Communicator
  • Cancer the Nurturer
  • Leo the Ruler
  • Virgo the Organizer
  • Libra the Mediator
  • Scorpio the Regenerator
  • Sagittarius the Traveler
  • Capricorn the Worker
  • Aquarius the Innovator
  • Pisces the Dreamer
Sagittarius: The Traveler …yes yes, I need to travel and see new things!! There is no way I can stay in one place too long without getting bored. encem
Planetary ruler: Jupiter
Symbol: Archer
Color: light blue
Metal: tin O_O why tin??
Gemstone: Turquoise

Character and Personality
Wanderers and truth-seeker of the zodiac (Not really truth-seeking but definitely in search of meaning of life ^^): inherently exuberant and enthusiastic and have an inquiring mind that is captivated by the world and everything in it. Knowledge and independence are the hallmarks of your existence. (Knowledge? Maybe subconsciously. Independence? Definitely ) With your restless nature and passion for variety and change, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your many interests. (How very true.) You particularly enjoy traveling, visiting exotic places, and meeting new people. (!!! ) You’re equally at home in the outdoors, on the open road, or in a classroom. You view life as an ongoing search for knowledge and experience and as an engaging adventure in which the journey itself is more important than the destination. (haha you know what I want to do? I really want to go to Paris and get lost with all the French people there. Then I must find my way back. lolz blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comI’m crazy. But I want to experience the most out of all the places I visit but sadly that's not possible…YET! Since I’m currently traveling with my parents, we have limited funds and time…so its more destination, picture, and go rather than enjoy life. When I’m older, I’m definitely going back to enjoy every life of it! kenyit )

You have a wide-ranging mentality equipped with intelligence, foresight, and intuition. (really?soal) Your forte is taking action and initiating things. Although your intentions may be grand, you are better at starting projects than finishing them.(lolz. Sad but so true. ) You’ll sometimes lose interest before a job is completed and begin looking around for something fresher and more exciting. (*sigh*That is so me.) The Jupiter-ruled are gamblers and risk-takers by nature. (No no no. Perhaps unconsciously but I hate taking risks >.< ) Overconfidence can become a problem, especially if you over-extend yourself financially. However, you are lucky and resourceful, and when you fall, you usually manage to get right back up on your feet. ^^

Relationships Typically, archers love to party, and they enjoy a very active social life. (I love it….but often my laziness gets the better of me and decides its too much of a hassle to go to parties blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com) You are outgoing, playful, and flirtatious, and no one is more adept than you at working a crowd. In intimate relationships you make a charming, sexy lover who is affectionate, straightforward, and sincere. An idealist, you truly believe that each new love is going to last forever. (no way. I’m not that naive) However, you love your freedom and independence more than anything or anyone. You certainly mean to be faithful, but archers are hunters, and if you find someone more appealing, you may suddenly take off in pursuit of your new interest. (hmm who knows. Perhaps its true ^.~)
Under part two of this book…the book is quite thick and heavy…it focuses on the basic numbers based on your birthday. You add the digits of the day you were born until the answer is a single digit. (e.g. 3+0 = 3)
  1. Individuality
  2. Duality
  3. Exuberance
  4. Stability
  5. Freedom
  6. Harmony
  7. Wisdom
  8. Authority
  9. Compassion
I am a Number Three
  • Number of self-expression, enthusiasm, optimism, and sociability.
  • The friendly, the witty, the charmers of society
  • Born entertainer with a cheerful, easygoing manner and a gift for gab that endears you to all kinds of people (now I am no entertainer. can you imagine me = blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com? no way XD)
  • Number of good fortunes, even your difficulties usually have a way of working out for the best (others always say I’m lucky in ways…so I guess its pretty truestar)
  • Light-hearted approach to life but also has desire to succeed (there are things I’m light-hearted to but there are also things I take beyond serious its scary…)
  • Inherently ambitious and hard working (sometimes, sometimes ^^)
  • Generally multi-talented and sometimes have difficulty choosing among various career options (LOL I so wish I’m multi-talented since I have no talent whatsoever. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comBut yes I’m having my career choosing dilemma because I wanted to do so much)
  • Naturally artistic and creative, have a knack for synthesizing and communicating your knowledge and ideas
  • Cleverness, versatility, and quick thinking make it easy for you to outwit competition however, tendency to spread yourself too thing by scattering your energies in a number of different directions may hamper your success (>.<>
  • Devoted to friends and family, enjoy interacting with people in social gatherings and intimate one-on-one situations
This is really interesting. It is pretty accurate! ^.~
Part three of this book is the unique feature that makes this book awesome. There are 366 explanation for every single day of the year for everyone in the world!

Now my actual birthday: November 30

The multifaceted Sagittarian born on this date has been blessed with intelligence, eloquence, wit, charm, and enthusiasm. (Hope that is true.) The sky’s the limit as far as your creative potential is concerned. (hmm I also think I’m very uncreative.) Your restless temperament abhors a vacuum, and it is standard operating procedure for you to do two things at the same time. Inherently inquisitive and eminently sociable, you adore traveling (yup yup), meeting new people, and learning new things. You view your life as a series of experiences consisting of as many exciting adventures and stimulating conversations as possible. (…O_O…not really)

November 30th individuals have engaging personalities and the amazing ability to talk their way into or out of any situation. You enjoy the spotlight, and popularity and acceptance come easily to you. In business, you can make your mark in sales, advertising, promotion, or travel. However, your true calling may be in the media, the law, politics, or religion. (O_O If this is true, then it must have be the media. I have no interest in politics or religion and law is just not for me.) With your quick, active mind and fluent, dramatic way of expressing yourself, you might garner great acclaim as an actor, singer, writer, publisher, or teacher.

You are freedom oriented and have a relaxed attitude toward love. Relationships work best for you when you’re able to establish a strong intellectual rapport. You’re a kind and generous lover, but heir is something of the romantic gypsy in your makeup. You might decide to stick around for a lifetime, or you could be gone tomorrow. (LOL)

WOW I'm impressed with the accuracy of this book. hehe it's so fun to read thing like this...Now must go find out what my friends are really thinking...mhahaha ^.~

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  1. ≈ ⓐ S h L e ⓔ said... May 10, 2009 at 9:38 PM

    ahahaha this was soo much fun xD
    astrology buddies =)

    :-o i dont think im resistant to change!

    yeah its pretty accurate for you...i dont think i've ever found one that perfectly suited me...or pretty close...=(