

2009-05-07 SciFi Chain Stories

I suddenly had an epiphany that in grade 8, my whole science class had to do this chain stories. I remember it was...quite interesting. Amazingly I found the website for it and it's still there! I guess the year after us posted as well in 2007.


My team was 8Ac (2006) Team 5. The story is called "How Ice Cream Can Save The World". Sounds pretty awesome huh? LOL. Truthfully, all I remember about our story was that it was about ice cream and a mutated evil rat called 001. I actually don't even remember who were the co-writers of this story. heheh oops.
The story can be found under the comments. And the title page? I can't believe I drew it.O_O hmm I actually think I still have that. hehehe

Well I figured out some people's groups based on the cover...
Team 1: The Clone that Went Wrong - Christine; Areezo; Shrida; Gordon; Niki; Spencer
Team 3: Final Decision - Aaron..haha the drawing ^.~
Team 4: A Series of Funny Events - Crystal; Eric; Sean; Andrea; Michael
Team 6: The Cruelty of Science - Emily
...and I have no idea for the rest XD

hmm I wonder if we ever got marked on this..or was this one of those enrichment thingy? >.<

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