
2008-12-24 NANA Volume 5

Just wondering, is “Sevens” really a card game or did Yazawa made it up just because she likes the number seven ??? Why does she like seven so much? I bet there is the mention of seven in every volume ^^

Whoa Reira and baldy Yasu??!! That’s a weird combination. O_O Yasu as a boyfriend is kind of hard to imagine. He gives off a fatherly/brotherly vibe. Hehehe But I like him. He’s a very cool headed lawyer ^.~ and rockin’ on the drums.

Nana is sooo cool. I envy her. How can she stay so calm when she phoned Ren after two years of not seeing each other? She appears to be so calm and collected but she is also very fragile on the inside. That’s why it makes her so cool because she is not whining and needy. She doesn’t brag or show off.

Okay, now my spazzy time: What is so great about Takumi??!! I don’t get it but why does Hachi like him??!! … I get it must have been the focus of NANA2, the live action. His long hair kinda bugs me…I know it’s shallow to just people by appearance but still!! Besides he seems arrogant and inconsiderate. Like Hachi, Takumi thinks he is the most important. Perhaps it makes them a good couple? *grr*

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