
2008-12-25 NANA Volume 6

I wonder if Hachi dyed her hair. Is her hair naturally black? What about Reira? I never knew was half Jap. I wonder if the band members know…probably. Poor Reira, I wonder how she feels. It makes her character more mysterious when she sought Shin. SHIN??!! O_O Is she desperate? Or is she moping about Yasu? Why is she doing this??!! She can’t possibly like Shin…or can she?

“People can be together, but ultimately we’re all alone. I know it’s just impossible to make someone mine. But sometimes that realization just makes me feel lonely. ” – Nana Osaki

“In the end, people are all alone. Two people can’t become one no matter how close they get. So it’s simply impossible to make someone yours.” – Ren quoted by Yasu

I never thought of people that way but now I think about it, it really is quite true. People are not possessions. They have their own thoughts and they can always leave if they wanted. But trust and love bonds people together, however, they are also breakable. But thinking about life like that makes life so depressing T_T so lonely and sad. But it is good to remember that no one is obligated to do anything for you. Be considerate of others for we are simply sharing and helping each other.

It is quite funny, this relationship between Trapnest and BLAST, especially from Yasu’s point of view:

“My girlfriend moved to Tokyo with Trapnest. Then they head-hunted my best friend. Now the singer in my band goes out with Trapnest’s guitar player. ” :D

Seven of the volume: “Well I can’t die until after I meet George! I can be his seventh wife!” – Nana Komatsu on Bonus page

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