
Learn Cantonese!

A friend of mine taught me some really really basic Cantonese and wrote down the pronunciations. It's always good to learn new languages though I think I'm too Mando to pronounce these correctly.

我 = 我 ngo
你 = 你 nei
他/她 = 他/她 kui (que)
他们 = 他們 kui de (que dai)
我不知道 = 我 唔知呀 ngo ng g ar (no m ji a)
为什么 = 点解 dim gai
Who are you playing next?
1. 你等陣对邊个? nei dung jan dui bin gor? (ne dun zen dui bin gor?)
2. 你下一場对邊个? nei ha yat cheung dui bin gor?

The chinese characters on the right of the = is apparently canto way of writing it. I highly doubt those are right but they kinda help with pronunciation so I just left them.

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