

2011-12-14 Gateman Econ 101

“You attend the best school in the best city in the best country in the world. Be confident in your ability but approach everything with a heavy sense of humility because everyone here is just as intelligent as you. Assume nothing.” – R. Gateman
This man is really something. As a professor, he is a confident and knowledgeable lecturer. During his last class, I was a bit sad his lecturers are over. But his exams are soooo hard TT__TT I mean for my final the first question, worth 10 marks, is about UFO's and how to make this person a disbeliever of UFOs?  I surely don't miss his exams but right now that seems a bit difficult. It appears I have to take Econ 102 and the only class available right now is Gateman's Wednesday night class. As much as I love him as a professor, I DON'T WANT TO TAKE HIS CLASS! My perfect plan was to take another prof's exam but still go to Gateman lectures. urg. I hope I have another prof for Econ 102. please please please >__<

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