

2011-12-13 Freedom!

I officially finished all my exams for this first term of uni today. Freedom never felt sooooo good :) I honestly had never studied so much in my life before T__T Last week was the worst, 4 exams in one week with 3 back to back and one on SATURDAY. urgh I was so tired by Saturday~ pretty sure I did very poorly on that math midterm QQ Today I did my Bio 112 which I have no idea how I did. I just hope I didn't fail. lol

Aside from that, yes blog I know I have neglected you even since university started in September. At first I thought I would be an eager blogger updating every second of my new life. Sadly I guess too much things happened at once and I just never found the time to do so. I shall now attempt to recall the highlights of this past term xP
  • Icebreakers: This word is probably my most annoyed word of September. Icebreaker this, icebreaker that. Honestly they are just childish games and you can't even meet people with it. Not to mention they are sooooo boring. Rock papers scissors evolution so you can become a phoenix? Are you serious? And it appears every club, every social you go to has that. Give me a break. I feel like I'm a little kid at camp.
  • Imagine Day: Imagine day was this one long day of orientation. I thought it was boring, except the pep rally which was epic. Honestly I didn't like my group, and my mug leaders were kind of useless and just not fun. I already knew everything they talked about in orientation so it was really a waste of time. We didn't even get a lot of stuff like the engineering kids because my faculty is so small. Got a cowbell instead. Oh how very useful...not
  • Frosh: After a boring orientation I was hoping frosh was better. But it was disappointing. Well consider this is the first year my faculty had a frosh, I have to give kudos to the overall quality of it. Unfortunately I don't have a very enthusiastic group...or very passionate frosh leaders..againn. I really want to be optimistic but it's kind of hard? Like two people didn't even show up from my group to start with, and others left early. So by the end only 2/8 people were left in my group (me and this other girl). My frosh leaders also left before the entire thing finished. siighhh. That's not in the disappointing part yet. For frosh, our main event was this scavenger hunt. I really wanted to do well in it but my entire group was half-hearted about it. And since most people left before it ended, they took the photos we took for scavenger hunt with them to. So our efforts were useless and decided to just give up in the end. I guess the most memorable part was having my frosh leader drive to Safeway and buy bananas, condoms, whipped cream, and maxim pads. The check out clerk totally looked at him weird. hahahaha 
  • Friends: I realized two things: 1) it's hard to make friends when you don't have a STT or in any organizations, or participate in any events because of protective parents (urg) or go home every weekend 2) all the people I mostly hang out with right now are people I met since junior high lol. I guess I really made some of the strongest friendship at GVH. I give up. If there are people I meant to be friends with, I will prolly meet them eventually.
  • Clubs: Clubs are disappointing too because everyone costs so much money! gagagaga and the stupid thing is even when you buy their membership, you still have to pay for the events, just at a cheaper price. UBC is such a money-eater. urg. Like photography club has a $75 membership fee @___@ and everyone has a super nice DSLR~ oh rich kids. Naturally, with my great affinity for money prevented me from joining most of the clubs. And the only one I joined is this stupid chinese club I didn't really want to join because it's like a canto club. I didn't know better then and decided to sign up for exe, like everyone else, without knowing more about the club. Then I randomly got a call for an interview and in order to be interviewed you have to be a member first. It was after I bought the membership that I realized it was a canto club and I totally did not want to be part of it >< so I totally trolled the interview basically saying I can't do this and that to the interviewers. lolol since then I didn't go to any of their events. oh a waste of eight bucks~ must get it back by using its discounts on bubble tea and KTV!!!! 
  • Classes: I wasn't too thrown off by the huge sizes of the class as much to the fast pace of them. It was chill the first few weeks of school but as soon as midterms came around, everything picked up and I was like omg I can't breath. I actually like all of my profs, especially English, Math, and Econ. I never thought I would like English but my prof is just sooo nice. He reminds me of Hagrid from HP :D and he is very helpful. For math, at first I really didn't like him because of his accent. But I got used to it and realized he is very clear in his explanations and he is funny in the most hilarious ways, well mostly in his speech. For every lecture, he always walks into the podium or overhead projects...every class without fail. Gosh I wonder if he have bruises. lol And Econ. My prof is surely a character. He is funny and a great lecturer using real life examples. Sometimes can be mean in a jokingly fashion. Too bad his exams are sooooo hard. urggg Honestly I'm failing school.
  • Escape games: Had this phase of playing escape games once realized Atrium 2 was out for free. Then I found this escape game site and played so many. I got pretty good at it too :)
  • First round of midterms: Two things I don't like about university exams...the desks are too small and why are they all at night T___T After the first midterm I think everyone's standards dropped. lol
  • Fright Night: Going to an amusement park on a Monday night? yeh yeh yeh! best ever. Love the rides! Sort of regretted not going to all the haunted houses though. And it's weird, at first I was scared of the haunted houses because I thought people would come out and grab onto you like back in the Corn Maze. Plus I think I also talked myself into being scared when I'm actually not. So when there were no people popping out and grabbing on to you I got better and wasn't scared of it at all. Funnily I grabbed onto this zombie looking guy who was trying to scare me from behind and I ended up scaring him instead. Contrary to what my friends thought I didn't grab onto the guy because I was scared...I was trying to pat him on the back like a chill pal? lol dunno why I didn't that. I was kind of giddy? haha I wished I can take a picture with the chainsaw guy though xP
  • Shia Labeouf! Holy smokes I had never seen a celebrity in my life so although I'm not fangirl-ing over Shia, I was so excited to see him in person! The best part was they were shooting where I work so I got to know their schedule and stalked him at the shoot. hehehehhe He was like an arm length away from me! :D Too bad they won't let us take photos :( And one thing I didn't like about him? He smokes. And an exciting thing that happened? There might be a glimpse of me in the movie. hehehe cuz they were shooting in the direction I was sitting and the film crew told me to be working in my place and not turn around to look at the camera. The movie is called "The Company You Keep". I am sooo watching that. xD And the director is the guy who played Gatsby :o ~~~Now for some photos: http://ubyssey.ca/culture/photos-shia-labeouf-on-campus657/
  • More midterms: After a week of break from first midterm, second wave started with one a week. urg. I did much worse on these second ones than the first. Unfortunately the second midterms counted more x( and I give up on chem. No matter how hard I study I still get the same mark. urg
  • US Shopping: Remembrance Day long week I went to Seattle Premium Outlet Mall and shopped! My favorite store has to be DKNY outlet and Converse outlet. I bought 5 pairs of shoes (lol) and got a pair of DKNY jeans for only $15!!!! best day of my life. haha
  • Classes are over? @_@ I couldn't believe classes are over by the end of November. I really do still need to get use to this whole semester-ed courses thing. And I can't believe I finished my research paper. I feel like I didn't spend nearly enough effort and time into it...but I got an A!!! I am so overjoyed :D
  • Finals: I had never studied so much in my life before. @__@ The past two weeks I had been nowhere except the library and my room. The library and my room. I looked like a zombie too. And I hated how I had four exams in one week with three exams back to back and with Math on SATURDAY. Honestly by Friday night I gave up on studying for math. I had less than 24 hrs to cram for it and was totally not in study mode. Was totally not prepared for that exam. urg and apparently 12 people failed...I hope I'm not one of them...
  • Hello 3 week break! I love you uni holiday! I don't have to worry about studying or anything for 3 weeks yay~~~

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