

2011-09-02 Hired!

Still can't believe I got a work-study job. -squeal- I heard it was really competitive and is really hard for first years to get it so I was worried. I actually thought of several options. First, go for library because 1) I have the experience so I have to best chance of getting it as compared with something I had never done before 2) the pay is ridiculously good 3) it's easy and less tiring. Then I really wanted to work in REC thinking I can get benefits. You don't really get any benefits so then I didn't want to work there anymore. lol My last resort was getting a job at Starbucks or McDonalds in the village. But it's tiring so I was hesitant. Honestly speaking, I was greedy too. After getting used to be paid ~$10/hr, I feel useless getting a job with wages less than that. That's such a bad thought :( especially since min wage are lower here. -sigh-  If I can't get a campus job I doubt I'll work at all then since the campus is pretty secluded from the rest of the world. ... But here am I, blogging about my hiring experience :D Here's a brief overview:

Let's see, I applied around 10 positions online and one I had to apply in person (which turned out to be the one I got ^^). I lucked out big time for this. What happened was my supervisor wanted people to apply in person rather than online and can only apply after the 28th. I sent her an email asking for clarification if I can only apply in person. Out of coincidence the day she replied she was also working. It was the only day she was working since she's suppose to be on vacation. So I went and met with her where she asked me some preliminary questions and set up an interview! Yoopie! I was suppose to work on more resumes when I get home but since I got an interview already I decided to wait. Which was a good idea. Haha.

My interview was long! I was suppose to go to the US with my family afterwards so they were waiting for me in the car. All of us assumed it would be really quick...but it turned out to be 2 hours!! My parents thought I got kidnapped, especially since I didn't answer my phone. Thank goodness I silenced my phone or else it would so bad for it to ring during the interview. Anyhow because I cancelled the calls on my parents, my phone told them service was unavailable which made them more worried I was kidnapped. lol

Why was the interview so long? Well they first interviewed me normally with questions and all that. (My third interview in my life~) I'm happy that they asked me some of the things I prepared for like why do you want this job. But  I hate those situation questions: give a situation where you had to deal with an upset customer or give a situation where you encountered a problem and there was no staff to help; how did you handled. My mind was completely blank for this question. lol. I think I made some random things up. Anyhow the right answer is always remember to ask them to leave their info down and staff get back to them. (note to self for future interviews!). They also asked about future plans and availabilities and things like that which were really easy.

The long part of the interview was probably the in basket task. I was first taught of the various microforms and how to shelve each. Then I was given a task to find and shelf things. I thought it was really fun. Haha and there were so many tricky in the test but I'm glas I aced that. And apparently I was quite fast. They were really surprised to see I was done already. Haha the supervisor for microforms was really impressed. Yes ;) I found the book shelving was actually hard and confusing. It uses the Library of Congress's System and some of them were really tricky. There were a lot of different codes and different sections. I really had to concentrate on them. @_@

After my interview I was to wait till Thursday to find out if I got hired. Surprisingly they called me in the afternoon (and I was in the USA which used up all my payasugo money which led to the whole I wanna kill myself thing but thats another story). So I got the job! yeh yeh yeh! The best part is once you're in, you're pretty much settled for the next four years in uni! ohh yeahhh :) If only I can work more hours.

Went for my orientation today and realized the reference floor I work at is so big and complicated. It took my supervisor 3 hours to explain all the different areas. o.m.g. @___@ by the end my legs were so straight from standing it was difficult to bend them. Also met this other new girl. Her name is Jennifer. I honestly hate my name. lol people are already mixing us up. But overall I'm just happy with this whole job thing. hehehe :) oh yeah there's this good looking guy working in the library. rofl (I can just imagine what my friends will say when hearing this). Too bad we don't work in the same department. hahaha XD maybe that's a good thing.

Well I still need to pack XP Going to live on campus starting tomooorrooww!!! :) :) :)

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