

2011-05-09 Sick to my stomach

Right now, I feel like my dream and hopes, my excitement for the future is completely torn and shattered into a million pieces of non-existing emptiness. I was looking forward in moving because it'll be an exciting, bigger place full of more life and opportunities than Deadedmonton. Heck I was soooooo wrong. It appears we are moving to White Rock...which is like an hour away from Vancouver. It's a small community in it's own...kinda like the Leduc of Vancouver except it's further away. I'm moving into fricking Leduc sized place??!! Smaller than Edmonton???!! And we would probably go to Great Vancouver like on weekends for special needs...Urg. I feel sick to my stomach. Call me naive or watnot, but i rather live in a crap house which is located in a good location than a new house in a far town. I mean...transportation is awful there.

And especially the thought of seeing those people again...and conforming to them...I really hate it. I thought I would neveeer see them again...but nuuuueee we have to move to where they live too. So annoying. And the lamest part is the whole reason we are moving is because the weather is nice in BC. WTH. Saddest reason ever. Right now the cons outweighs the pros in my opinion.

All I can say is thank goodness I'm living residence.

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  1. ..::::佳::::`` said... May 14, 2011 at 3:55 PM

    really?!?! is that for sure?

  2. Jenny Tao said... May 16, 2011 at 6:47 PM

    wow I'm kinda angry that day. haha no. we set an offer for a new house there but it didn't work out in the end. I kept on complaining about White Rock so now we are looking for houses elsewhere. White Rock is probably our last choice just cuz it's hard to find work and very inconvenient there...though it's uber close to USA...like a 5min drive. yup that's far out of the city it is.