

2010-12-22 Why I Don't Jailbreak

Today, I was once again, reminded of the reason why I don't want to jailbreak. Although I decided to try jailbreaking my ipod earlier this break, I realized that there are more cons than the necessary pros.

Cons: Apps kept on freezing up or lag; Settings, Safari, and Music often don't load @___@; App store always knows the little notification icon in updating the pirated apps which obviously will not be update; multitasking is just switching apps -- very stupid; music won't play on my dock T___T; can't update software

Pro: new games; nice background

As you can see, so many reasons to tell me to return to factory settings! So I reset my iPod and now it's back to normal. I don't miss jailbreaking at all!

screenshots of my pretty background and unpaid apps as proof of my jailbreak experience. lol

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