
2010-08-27 Chocolate! Banana! Blueberry!

The day before yesterday I baked for the first time since like a year. It actually felt soooo good. My mom wanted me to make some muffins for breakfast. I ended making chocolate-chip muffins,banana bread , and blueberry breakfast crumble. It was actually my first time making all of those and seeing the product, I'm actually very proud. =D I never planned in making so much. What happened was that I planned to make banana-chocolate muffins, except the bananas were way to hard to mash evenly so rather than smashing three bananas, I just smashed two to make banana bread instead. Banana bread needs an hour in the oven and during that time I was going to wash some blueberries to eat. However, most of the blueberry had gone moldy. D= There was even a bug on one of them!!! o_O So I basically spent an hour picking out 2c. of blueberries and washed them with water and vinegar and threw the rest out. So then I decided to make blueberry breakfast crumble. Although very spontaneous decision, the result turned out really good.
kekekeke I sure made a lot ^.^

I. CHOCO-CHIP MUFFIN: I used the recipe from stolenmomentscooking.com. The picture on the site looked so pro so I decided to try it. However, to my disappointment, it didn't turn out anything like it. Firstly, it's not as big as I hoped. In fact, the muffin only rose a little bit. I really wonder how people make huge muffins like those store-bought ones. >___< Also, the chocolate chips I used are not uniform. Some are white chocolate, some of milk chocolate, and there was this yellowish-brown looking one. Despite what colored chocolate, I just don't understand how they kept the chocolate on the inside. Do they roll it by hand and tuck the chocolate chip inside? I only used a spoon to scoop it into the cupcake paper container. Maybe I should try by hand next time. So overall, I think my muffins are more like cupcakes. When eaten, they have a spongy texture to it. It's also not as moist as I'd like it to be and it often got stuck to the paper. I definitely need to work on my muffin skills and make the perfect muffin man =D.

II. BANANA BREAD: OMG THIS IS THE YUMMIEST THING EVERRR!! It's more like cake but it tastes sooooo good! When I took it out of the oven, it was really hard on the outside so I was afraid the overall bread would be really dry. Thankfully the moisture is JUST RIGHT!~ I'm lovin' this right now ^.^

III. BLUEBERRY BREAKFAST CRUMBLE: I had never ever tasted a crumble before in my life so I had no idea what to expect when I put it in the oven to bake. I made this because I need to use up the blueberries I had on hand. I was worried the mixture was too dry and everything will fall apart but to my surprise it didn't! And it taste really good!~ I remember I tried to make cheesecake once but the crust fell apart...but this time the crust stayed!! I was so happy when I took it out of the pan and it stayed in shape. AND IT'S NOT DRY AT ALL!! I love it! It has the sweet taste from the blueberries and cinnamon flavour from the crust. The crust is made of oats with hint of cinnamon. ^^ This recipe is also from stolenmomentscooking.com. Although mine doesn't look as good the the one on the site, but it sure taste good =D

I really do love baking. It really gives me a sense of accomplishment, especially when it taste good and other people likes to eat it too! I WANT TO BAKE SOME MORE!! kekkeke. I'm thinking of trying to make jelly rolls next because I need to get rid of all the jams and jelly in my house. LOL.

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