

2011-08-15 Capital Ex & DBSK Banjun Dramas

Is it crazy to be eating frozen yogurt when you are freezing due to walking in the rain with the wind blowing against you? I think so. But they again when are we ever normal when we're with our friends. ^^ This post is the continuation (of this), long overdue I know. Cold n freezing, we spent the morning eating frozen yogurt and Timmy's (it was a brunch). Then we're off to catching the bus to Capital Ex.

Captial Ex was quite fun, not to mention it was the last fun thing I did with friends in Eddy. Actually I like it just because of the marketplace and the carnival atmosphere. Rides? nah not so much. In fact we didn't even gon on any rides since they were 1) expensive, 2) not very exhilarating looking (reminds me of those bad kiddie rides in HK Disney) 3) most of the were wet since it was raining. Instead we spent our time in the market place which turned out to be the best thing of the day. There were some pretty awesome deals like my $5 bag which I absolutely love and think is a great bargain. yayayayayyayaay! The food looked so good (and fattening -__-) too!! We had curly fries and it was so crispy and yummy! (though made me feel like a pig after finishing the entire plate lol). Too bad we couldn't stay longer that day. Apparently Natasha Bendingfield was going to perform that night. But just to think she's in Eddytown is pretty exciting since I never met any sort of famous artists before. haha lame me XD

Oh yes. I mustn't forget our little LRT adventure. When we were taking the LRT to Capital Ex, we decided to be rebels and not buy tickets (more like we were trying to catch the LRT and didn't have time to buy it XP). Anyhow, we didn't think it would be such a big deal since it is raining and it's the first day of Capital Ex so the city wouldn't bother to get people to check tickets. But then! A guy wearing ETS jacket walked in with a clipboard in hand. It sure made us stop breathing for a sec since we thought he was some transit ticket checker (I actually never met one before). He turned out to be some transit worker. phew~ but he sure made the entire ride pretty intense. the entire time we observed him through the window reflection and even made up stories just in case. lol. We safely got off but when we try to get out of the station we saw two people standing by the gate! OMG x2 Luckily it was lunchtime or so by the time we got there so those people looked like they were going for lunch or something. They sort of walked away from the gate and we quickly slipped passed them. pheeewwwww~~~ Of course we we had to take the LRT home we were good citizens and paid tickets (saw hyun-soo^^)...more like we had to since there were officers checking at the gate both for people going to take the LRT and those coming from LRT. Saw people getting busted for not having tickets when coming from LRT. hohohoho unlucky bunch...so yeah that's was the exciting LRT ride. LOL

Once I got home I worked on my laptop for the entire weekend since it went crazy again and decided he doesn't want to turn on. Even when he turned on he would freeze on me once windows loaded = I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ON MY COMPUTER. gagagagagah. I was left with one choice = reformatting the whole thing...again. Stupid thing wasted so much of my time, especially all those windows updates! That took like an entire day. omg. To save myself from dying of boredom and computer agitation I decided to watch all the DBSK Banjun dramas. I never watched any before (shame as a DBSK fan I know). I finished all the them (they're pretty short) except for Dating on Earth and Vacation. Honestly I was pretty surprised Yunho was one of the first ones to start acting. ehhh his "Heading to the Head" drama surely didn't demonstrate his experience. lol. Yoochun, on the other hand, is so good to look at. hahahaha I think he's like my second favorite now, after Jaejoong of course. Drama-wise, I think Yoochun looks better than Jaejoong. yeahhh I said. haha but really I think when having to pair up with other actor/actress Yoochun looks the hottest. Jaejoong just looks hot by himself. lol The dramas are kinda weird...they are mostly for humor. I mean the first one "First Love" didn't have a conclusive ending. "Finding Lost Time" and "Dangerous Love" involve actual ghosts and "Unforgettable Love" features this girl who knows the future. haha but they are hilarious to watch. I like the latter ones better when all five of them are in it. "The King's Man" is more of a variety show but IT'S HILARIOUS!!! :D And in "Dangerous Love", Jaejoong thinks Yunho is in love with him which is completely hilarious. Mann I really enjoyed those. Also started "Dating on Earth", holy smokes Yoochun is married! Though he is still a high school student (got held back 2 years) and his wife is his teacher. Then there's Jaejoong who got transferred to his class and formed a love triangle. and Yunho is like this nerd. what a messed up plot :D lolol didn't finish but will! :)

soo while watching DBSK Banjun dramas and reformatting my laptop, I also helped with our last weekend garage sale. In total we sold quite a lot of things in these four days :D though I still have a bunch of random crap left =___=

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