
2011-08-12 Shopping!

Today I went to the second largest mall and finally bought something after all these months of hiatus (excluding that awesome deal during kdays ^.~). My mom and first went to the Chinese embassy to apply for Visa so I finally was able to go out and see the world! LOL I've been deprived for too long. But there are soooooo soooo many people in Chinese embassy applying or getting visas @_@ It opens at 9 and we got there around 9:45 and there were already 93 people in front of us. yikes. not to mention that's only the line for applying visas. There was another huuuggee line for getting visas. It's a pretty crazy place. There were asian people arguing with each other for butting in line and all that...reminds me of China =__= I also met this dude (Caucasian) who's actually going to Qingdao to teach! (I'm assuming English since he only knows hello in Chinese) But thought that was cool :)

So anyhow today I bought some things today...good deals?not so much but it's kinda like an urge kind of thing where I really want the thing and decided to splurge. I first visited this korean stationery shop called ArtShop. Everything in there is so adorable! I got this cute planner~~must get ready for Uni! kekeke and I don't feel like using my other ugly one I got at Walmart last year which can still last me to Dec 2011. Wasteful? kinda...but meh :) The planner is a bit pricey but heck it's going to last me an entire year. Later on I found other really cute chinese stationery shops in the mall. They are a lot cheaper (making me kinda regretting buying from ArtShop) but they all had pretty small writing space so I still like mine. ha :D...though the other stores are worth going too :)

Things I Got
I also got my SPC Card from Buffalo!! yay savings ;) I just directly went into the store to buy the card. I thought it was kinda funny the sales dude asked me if I was sure I don't want to browse through the store first and then buy my SPC :) sorry but I'm not feeling very Buffalo today~ just want my savings :) Honestly I was the only customer in there...kinda sad for them.

After browsing and browsing, all the things in Forever XXI are all so thing and see-through @.@, I finally found an owl necklace I longed to have! I blame Tumblr for that. So I bought that in Forever XXI. I have to say the store here are alot nicer than the one in WEM. It's so neat and just want to make me shop there! It has a lot cooler things too!...or maybe I just didn't got shopping for a long time. heh.

Owl Necklace
That's basically the things I got at the mall. Unfortunately I was called back by dad so we can bring the T&T grocery back for dinner T_T. oh yeah. And if I have to name a memorable store, it got to be Channel 3. This store definitely has the wardrobe I wanted. It's all clothing from asian brands (Japan, Korea, China) and are those things you can only get from the net. Anyhow I was pretty excited to go in. The first thing I saw was: 3 for $100. $100! My mind is telling me this store is not your average store. And it sure is not. The shop people were telling me about the promotion, first item 20%, buy two 60%. Mom and I thought it was a really good deal, I mean 60% on both items! and I really like the stuff there. Good deal? In our dreams. Why? Check the price tag = @_@ A tank top for $100. At first I thought that was in RMB or something so I doubled and tripled checked. BUT HOLY SMOKES A TANK TOP IS $100????? what kind of black market is this? It's complete rip-off T__T And the annoying thing is the sales associates follow you EVERYWHERE and STARES AT YOU WHILE YOU SHOP....I can't even talk to my mom cuz they understand chinese. gah gah gah I was so tempted to use my limited french skills. too bad mom won't understand either T__T Gosh I guess only rich people shop there? Completely mind blown...and I thought Armani Exchange was expensive...

After dinner we shopped around our little outlet mall right outside our neighborhood. Since my white one completely fell apart during grad night I bought two pairs of flats for $20. They look exactly like the ones I tried out in this other shoes warehouse and those cost $30-40 bucks. So you can guess I was really happy :) And I also got a scarf~~ finally. haha ;D
Flats :)

That concludes my little journey today...and mannn HST makes everything so expensive T_T sob sob sob...And I wanted to take more pictures but I facepalmed failed today by forgetting to put memory card in my camera...so sad...

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