
2011-08-08 I Moved!

Oh blog how are you! It has been a month since I last written and so much crazy things happened! There had been so much things I wanted to blog but didn't have the time. Man where to start @_@ Hmmmmmm okay I think I'll do much blogging today. Probably multiple entries (that is if my memory cooperates with me): before the move, during the move, after the move. Honestly I had so much bubbling up in me up until my completely unplanned skype date with ChrisChris. (ha I mentioned her name and I'm not going to tell her I did in my blog teehee).

Okay so before the move...I would think that as before the last week July (more like all the fun things I did that does not involve packing and moving) ending with Capital Ex.
okay my memory just failed me there. I totally don't remember the dates and probably got them mixed up so I think I'll just document the highlights.

1) Steel Wheels

Oh man just thinking about it makes me hungry. Actually the title should be more like Dadedo but Steel Wheels seriously won my over and is probably the only thing I'll remember of that night after a month or two. That night we were suppose to meet up on Whyte and eat at Dadedo. But due to some brilliant planning of us smart OSA kids we had to wait an hour and a half for seats cuz we didn't reserve. Cold and hungry we decided to wander aimlessly in the rain to find a place to eat. Somehow we ended up in Steel Wheels Pizzeria. It's such a shady little place in a shady area but the food was so good and so cheap! I'm pretty sure it's opened up by korean people cuz there's korean food and a bunch of kpop posters. In the midst of the graffiti covered walls and tables and chairs (more like picnic benches) we saw soju posters of lee hyori and uee. hahaha. but oh man oh man the food was good. well at least i thought the pizza was good. (or maybe just because I didn't eat pizza for a long time? lol) but too bad I didn't find that place sooner cuz there's still so much I want to try there! Eating there gives me this odd sensation of happiness. Sounds weird I know but it just reminds me of finding good food in little side shops or night market. nostalgia! haha

After Steel Wheels we just made it in time for Dadedo. We're pretty crazy for going to two restaurants in one night haha. The yum fries and chicken wings were good...but not too special I think. I think they are known for their PoBoys (sandwiches) and they do look real good. Too bad I didn't have the stomach to taste it :( Also ordered Hurricane (alcohol drink) to share...I can't remember exactly but I think this had rum in it. I thought I would be really sensitive to the alcohol taste since i can taste it in a breezer that has like 5% alcohol level. To my surprise I thought it tasted really good! so that was that and we saw a double rainbow after that. (no it was not the works of alcohol.lol) and oh yes Dadedo is very retro-y. Their tables, decorations and things are all very unique. It's definitely a fun place to eat there ;)

2) Squires
A plan that failed. the sigh~
Ever since June, Jenny and I (yes I'm totally talking to myself lol) made plans to go to a bar and drink. Our Jenny squared Aaron squared bar night was suppose to happen as soon as school ended in June but this and that happened so we decided to postpone it to July. BAD IDEA! One thing got to another. Then they got jobs and schedules became uber hectic. The only day those working bees are free is the day I can't make it :( sigh sigh sigh. We were going to play pool at squires!!! mannnnnnnnn. so it turned out they ate chicken and camwhored. LMAO oh my friends. hahahaha.

3) Sleepover I
A lot of things don't go according to plan and this is kinda like it. We planned to do so much: learn dances, watch conan, do asian poses, play tennis, cook...and we only did...uhhh kinda a bit of somethings and a little something else? hahahhahahaha there's one thing that I realized, a lot of things don't go according to plans when you are with your friends. especially in the matter of studying just saying hehehee :) so what did we end up doing. Watched one lame episode of Conan...and conan didn't even appear lol faiiiilllll, tried to watch City Hunter but it won't load, went on facebook (the life of stalkers never rests even in sleepovers hehehheheheh), tried learner bggg but heels got in the way and C had to leave, wanted to finish learning Diva (key work "wanted") but got distracted by internet extension when trying to find Diva dance video on youtube and somehow ended up on facebook (yup lol), then got obsessed at checking out club sites and super super super short shorts (lol jk :D), which basically means we never even started learning Diva dance. hahhaha. then we just got lazy and watched jyj videos (more like hero videos) in my sleeping bags then listened to random music on itunes. All that somehow got us to 4am in the morning.....man now i know what it means that time sure flies. hahahhaha. It was sooo hard to wake up the next day...uhh i mean later that day lol...but for the sake of making dukbokki, I dragged myself up...waking up by dancing randomly. lol. the making of dukbokki (followed recipe here) was fairly interesting indeed with an insert of morning exercise to Sobeys! I even made a video out of it lol. but the food turned out good so by the end of all that I'm a happy camper :) rushed but happy. hahaha and it concluded the sleepover. definitely one to remember. and guess what I did afterwards, I went to Ikea and stole packing string...lol jk I didn't steal. I just took a lot...a LOT of those free packing strings that Ikea provides cuz we ran out in my house and nowhere else sells it. LMAO :D

4) Mikado, HP7, Sleepover
Best day ever having only spent the money for dinner :)
though the day started off really bad with dad given me this entire lecture on how there's no time for me to see my friends and that it's a hassle to drive me to places. gosh it pissed me off so much. firstly yes it's true that he has a list of to dos on his list but it's not like i can help him. it's all finances and agreements and things like that. will i be much of a help? no. secondly, i can drive myself but since when will he let me? never? just cuz then he won't have a car to go around places. besides, sure he cancelled family friends' dinner plans but it's not like he's bffs with them. and besides, the ones he's close with, he's going to see them again anyways cuz they plan to move to bc too! when will I ever see my friends? i don't know T_T how can he even make such comparison? all he wants is me staying at home all day so i don't wastes money and won't become a wild child. geeezzzzz

soo i was pretty fumed when i got to Mikado. haha but thanks to the free lunch credits to my lovely fwends clouds cleared and the sun came out. though eating at Mikado i realized one thing: I'm no longer so craving Jap food. I guess it's just cuz I ate so much in the past few years that there's no longer that feeling of curiosity and craving. Besides in restaurants there's only so much you can order and it's basically the same in every jap restuarant: teriyaki, sashimi, sushi, bentos, tempura~~~ just a thought...

so after lunch we went to watch HP7...last HP movie. man kinda sadd to think HP era is ending

read my movie review here: link

so skipping dinner and bad waitressing experience at Joeys and walking in the rain it's sleepover time = watching HOUSE. it's been awhile so yay!!!, attempted at KTV but then got distracted by facebook (seeing a sleepover trend yet? hahhhaha). then watched an episode of City Hunter...meh still not liking it and more House before I fell asleep. haha I guess I was really tired :D and holy smokes I still have a lot to blog about and I'm getting tired. I'll blog more in this upcoming week!!! :)

...to be continued...

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