

2011-08-16 Moving is Such a Pain...Literally!

Continuation from my previous posts on the days before, of, and after my big move.

For most people packing is not that hard. Stuff everything in box and go (method of one family friend). Some even get the movers to pack for them. But these methods will never work for my household. Packing is definitely more tiring than my days back in Sobeys. For us,all furniture need to be wrapped (with these huge sunran wrap looking things we bought) to prevent damage and dirt. All plates and artwork or anything breakable needs to be carefully wrapped several times. Everything need to be sort (to keep, to throw out, to sell) then packed in boxes and of course written down on paper for easy finding later on. I'm fine with packing. The worst part is taking apart the furniture and wrapping them! I hated disassemble the pool table and wrapping mattresses and sofas! And we have soooo much stuff in the house! When the movers came on moving day we were far from finished packing. So while they were moving, I was packing. Mom got tired and dad went out to eat with family friends (he's only responsible for assembling and disassembling things lol. My feet were sooooo sore (they had been hurting for the entire week) by the end I couldn't walk nor stand. I had to just crawl or lie on the floor (didn't have any bed or chairs left in the house by that time T_T). But I must say I sure became an expert packer! :)

The following day (the movers came the night before we leave) it was all packing our own two cars (the moving van was actually all full and had to leave some things behind) and the house. By the end of this crammed madness we filled up two entire big bin full of garbage. I don't know how we can have so much random things @___@ not to mention we sold a bunch too! (like a random really really heavy sword lol). We left Etown by 4 in the afternoon. Of course it meant staying out for the night. We stayed in Valemount. Because we didn't reserve any hotel rooms most of the hotel/motels were all full O: We finally found one and the room was huge! It had three queen sized beds with one single bed. Luxuuurriiouss!! hahaha I was so excited to finally take and shower and just relax (honestly my family and I didn't shower nor change for the past 4 days~ I think I smelled in the end. such a dirty child XP) BUUUTTTTTT one can only hope. It turned out my dad stuffed the bag with my change of clothes in the very center of his van and is covered with all the rest of our stuff so there's no way he can get it out. Meaning I can't change. Which makes showering useless if I still have to wear my old and nasty clothes again. ugghhh I don't even have pjs. So I basically slept in the clothes I wore the day. Annnndd we ate A&W for dinner since it was the only food available. On the way getting there we saw soo many koreans?! Korean town? nahhh just happened to encounter a korean tourist group. All the girls had almost the same haircut! Like those permed hair with straight bangs...=__= but anyhow A&W actually tastes soooooo good! And the burger is so much bigger than McDonald! haha and tastier too I think :) I ate the Mozza burger. oh yummy~~~

Compared with the previous day of sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor you'd think we'd all get a good night sleep on the queen sized bed. but noooooooooo. At 0600h the fire alarm in the hotel rang. The fire alarm. THE FIRE ALARM? SeriouslY? Honestly I thought I was fire drill. But fire drill in 6am in a hotel? hmmm unlikely. Stupid thing is nothing happened. Nothing burned. There was no smoke. wth T_________T -sigh- well since we got woken up early might as well just head back on the road earlier. So we did. Morning driving sure is sweet. No car in sight for a while. We zoomed through the mountains at 130km/h. Way over the speed limit? heck yeah. not that my parents cared though. anything happened? not going to say. though I must say it was unfortunate.

to be continued

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