

2011-06-25 Craving Asian Street Markets

I recently read this blog entry from vanillaminuet on the Satay Man. Personally I had no idea who the Satay Man is but seeing the photographs it really made me miss the places in Asia where you can just buy food from carts in the neighborhood. Dunno why but seeing something like that always gives me that fuzzy and calming feeling of being in a cozy community. lol. I guess it's kinda nostalgic too since when I was little, I always see them on the streets in China. Maybe I'm feeling that way because I live in a Western society for too long. haha But it just makes me happy to see such traditional style still exist in today's developing world. :)

So apparently Satay Man is the guy who sells satay (lol) which is chunks or slices of meat on bambo skewers, grilled over wood or charcoal fire and served with various spicy seasoning. I think it's actually 羊肉串!! omg I want to go back to China now. haha I really should visit the night markets in BC when I get there! gosh reminds me of the dukbokki I ate in Korea night market...ahhh feeling deprived right now T__T lol

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