Too bad I didn't have time to practice my false lashes...but I have my glasses anyways so not really a loss. But I'm happy that I'm getting good at putting on foundation, eyeshadow, and stuff. I think what I'm most happy about is my liner. I finally found a liner that last fffooorreevveerr, won't smudge, and is easy to apply. Cream/gel liners FTW!
As for the hair, I didn't want to spend $70 on styling so it was very tempting. 4 hours before grad started I still didn't know what to do for hair. There were several tutorial I found and wanted to try. At first my mom and I tried the one by pursebuzz
I sprayed so much hairspray on to tease my hair but it didn't really work out. I guess I don't have enough hair. LOL And I really don't like using hairspray. I feel like it's making me loose hair. haha but this style turned out to be really messy on me. I can't make the bump round and and smooth as shown in the video.
Since this didn't really work out, I thought it probably means shouldn't tease my hair. I was kind of sad because I really liked this other hairstyle too (though I didn't think I have enough hair for this anyways):
Anyhow, by the time I decided to redo my hair, I was running out of time (only 2 hours left, excluding the time spent on the road). This means I don't have the time to do some complex style.
And it appears I don't have enough hair for this really cool braid:
So by the end of all that, I chose this other braid style:
I had to change it a little because my hair is not long enough. But it turned out pretty in the end and that's all that matters :)
This whole makeup and hair stuff for grad is really tiring me out. I'm glad it's over. haha But the process what quite fun :D
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