

2011-05-16 Imma Blog Lovin'

I feel like my brain has been thinking way too much of other things that's making me unable to concentrate on studying biology. I planned to blog about these later, after my exams, but I'm getting wayy too distracted by it. Hope blogging can help clear some memory space in my brain so I can cram all those bio terminology in my head.

Firstly, I wanna blog about Bloglovin'.I first came across the site when I saw the bloglovin' image on vanillaminuet. (I really like the artwork :3). At first, I wasn't really interested in registering or finding out what it does. I thought it was another blogging platform of some sort. But for the past few days, I came across bloglovin' more and more so I decided to make an account and check out what the site has to offer. To my surprise, it's actually a useful platform to follow blogs. It helps you keep track of aaaalll the blogs you follow, livejournal, blogger, tumblr, wordpress, whatever, and email you on the latest posts. I have the problem of not keeping track of the blogs I like because I never find the time to go to each blog and read posts...but now I don't have to waste time doing it because all the new posts are sent to me! ssswweeeettt :) And you get to browse through a lot more cool featured blogs too! Right now, I'm really loving this site cuz it's soooo convenient!! ^___^

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