

2011-04-11 What a failed weekend...

I was obsessed with kijiji and selling stuff this entire weekend. I worked on the heartmeagain blog, posted on kijiji and craiglist, took pictures and sorted out the things I'm selling. I was such a hopeful kid on Friday thinking I will get many responses from buyers. Naive and hopeful, I check my gmail every few seconds, looking at the viewing number of my kijiji ads (I probably contributed to half od those numbers >__<), excited at getting every email but is always disappointed. Obviously I am left crushed with disappointment as of early Monday morning. My entire weekend was wasted...with no sign of ever being productive (except for a book offer which I doubt will fall through). I couldn't concentrate on doing hmwk or studying. All I want to do is sell something!!!

Oh and today dad sold the piano. They didn't take it away yet. Even though I really do hate playing it, I think I'll miss it once it's gone (like pingpong). Does this mean I will never play piano again? Hmmm I think I'll buy a keyboard later on in life. I mean it'll be a waste of skills and all those years of practicing.

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