I hate it how people always say oh you can't photograph this or that because you have a point and shoot and not a DSLR. Well although that's true most of the time there's also so much you can do with a P&S. So I wanna prove them wrong...those people in photography club. I recently just mastered bokeh on my P&S and recently I found a video on how to photography water droplets. Mann it worked and turned out really cool! Too bad my sink is too ugly. lol
And the tutorial in how to do it is riiiighhht here >>>>>>
Basically use manual mode. turn on flash. iso between 80-100. on macro function. f8.0 aperture and 1/60 or higher shutter speed. evaluative.
For the ones I took today, I used f8.0, 1/25sec, ISO 80, spot metering, with flash; And for the second one I used f3.5, 1/60sec, ISO80, spot metering, with red.
Yup yup pretty cool heh :)
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