

2010-04-01 2AM

Disclaimer: this is all spazziness. Do not read if u r sensitive or easily depressed or very happy at the moment. This post can negatively affect your mood.

No, it's not the boy group 2am. It's actually 2 am in the morning. Why am I staying up so late? Well it's not like I wanted to. It's because of my stupid stupid computer. More because of the person who used it.

I'm so fr$#%*%# pissed right now. I can't do anything to fix it right now because every time I try something, it freezes!!! Grrrrrrr you don't know how many times I forced it shut down. In the end, I just waited for it to respond cuz I'm afraid I'll never get anywhere if I always restarted. And guess how long that took...long enough for me to watch almost four movies. Now stupid norton is finally scanning and I think it froze again. Screw this, I'm going to sleep.

I seriously don't get it. If some files are so important, why can't you take the time to back-up??!! Especially when this is not the first time this happened. Why can't you actually use stupid norton and ssccaaannnn. I bet there is a hhuuggee virus in the computer. Why do end up fixing up the mess. It's not I have a gazillion amount of free time. I still have so much to do and it's already the morning of Thursday. Wondering why I'm not sleeping during spring break even if there is no school? This is why. There's just too much to do.

And another that's pissing me off today? French. It's not exactly the french stuff that i'm annoyed at, it's more the memory trigger relating my francophonie project i did before spring break. I'm mad because I got 4 marks deducted because OUR GROUP DID TOO MUCH WORK!!!! Apparently we researched too much and did too good and Mr. R got suspicious we copied from the Internet! #*&^#!*{€ well we have stephanie in our group so shouldn't that explain somethings?

Our group spent way more time and effort than the other groups and we ended getting a much lower mark!! They spent like 2 hours on it cuz they seriously didnt care while we spent an entire dayy and more. Just exactly how fair is that??!!! Why should I even put in any effort anymore??!! Our goal was to show the complexity of the religion in burkina faso so obviously it'll be complex.I spent half a day just to figure out exactly what the islam religion is in english cuz it was so complex and i had no ideas of any kind of religion, nevertheless, Islam. And i had to write it french!! Obviously there will be complex words~~there are big religious english terms translated with wordrefernce. I've already simplified and cut down the religion aaa lllooottt. Grrrrr

Sure I care about the mark but I'm more pissed because I feel it's not fairly marked. So does this mean I should not try anymore since obviously if u put too much effort in, it's a crime and nobody appreciates it. Like seriously, what is this??!!


Now that's all said, I feel a little better. Thank goodness I always have a blog to listen to my spazziness 24/7 without complaints.

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