
2010-01-16 The Spy Next Door

Awws... Avatar was sold out today and Sherlock Holmes was either at 7 (which I missed) or 9 (no way I'm waiting till then). So I watched Jackie Chan's "The Spy Next Door". It wasn't bad, but it wasn't extremely great either.

The good:
- Overall, it was funny
- Had some pretty cool gadgets
- The kids were quite some characters. very cute.
- Stunts were great

The bad:
- Jackie Chan is getting too old.
- Most of the cast is quite older--their wrinkles were really obvious and the adult cast wasn't the best of actors/ actresses
- The story was very average
- I was expecting it to be funnier

Overall critic:
Fun family film but not worth watching in theatres. It was pretty funny at parts...though I think younger kids will find it more enjoyable. As much as I love Jackie Chan's stunt work, he's getting old and I found it awkward seeing him trying to play a younger role. His wrinkles were obvious, especially if on the big cinema screen. So just rent this movie on DVD.

p.s. - I just realized today is the premiere night for "The Spy Next Door" ... cool. This is my first time watching something on premiere night =D

p.p.s - I tried yogen fruz today. I tried the vanilla non-fat frozen yogurt...taste sour and sweet. I think I'll add fruit next time because just plain vanilla doesn't taste very good.

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