But are you sssuuurre you want to see the answer? Because that'll mean you didn't get this IQ question right. Are you sure you want that??
Think harder! It's not that hard...think think think.
Okay so you are SURE you want to see the answer.
You sure? 100%?
Give me money $.$ and I'll tell you.
LOLz just joking.
Here is the answer!! dun dun dun.
I dunno if this is the only right answer but this is the order in which I did it in. But I have to say it took me quite a looooooonnnggg time
- Policeman and Robber
- Policeman
- Policeman and Boy1
- Policeman and Robber
- Father and Boy2
- Father
- Father and Mother
- Mother
- Police and Robber
- Father
- Mother and Father
- Mother
- Mother and Girl1
- Policeman and Robber
- Policeman and Girl2
- Policeman
- Policeman and Robber
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