

2008 - 2013
It's bittersweet saying goodbye to my first blog. 
Thank you for the past 5 years. 
You have taught me a lot about blogging and html.
You have documented my growth, my likes, and dislikes. 
You shared my thoughts with my friends.
But nothing is forever.
It's time to close this chapter and start something new.

signing off


Sometimes it feels like you're entire world is falling apart. You can't do anything right. You suck at life. You're a failure. No matter what you do, it will never work out.

That's how life feels right now.


Here's my long overdue post the SLC 2012 I attended this January. Now with that said, I still didn't get my money back for my free registration. Can't say I'm having a best impression of them so far. Anyhow the conference itself succeeded my expectation in their choice of guest speakers but overall I feel it's just as useless as all the other leadership conferences. At least to me. These conferences and workshops never seem to work on me in teaching me things or inspiring me.

Okay recap.


  • 柯景腾: "其实高中跟国中差不了多少,地狱17层和16层的差别而已。"
  • 柯景腾: "青春期的男生可以在一百个人面前极尽丢脸之能事,还兼洋洋得意——只要其中没有他喜欢的女孩。青春期的男生可以在篮下被盖一百次火锅,还觉得打篮球是件有趣的事——只要附近没有他喜欢的女孩。青春期的男生可以因为成绩差劲、上课捣乱、跟墙壁说话,变成某种反其道而行的英雄——只要他不需要坐在喜欢的女孩的前面。"
  • 柯景腾: "妈啦!成绩好就可以瞧不起人啊?那你继续好了!" 沈佳宜: "我瞧不起的不是成绩不好的人, 我瞧不起的是明明自己不用功念书, 却只会瞧不起用功念书的人!"