
2011-08-08 Everything starts at Hogwarts, everything ends at Hogwarts

I decided to do a separate post on my thoughts of this last movie. (just for fun: click here)

Honestly I was a bit disappointed. Honestly this movie already has a 95% or higher guaranteed chance of success just with its title as the last HP film. I agree the movie was enjoyable but I thought it lacked epicness though I don't remember what happened in the book, if it's any less epic. Anyhow the beginning bugged me, especially the opening. Why? Well the pace was really slow and I thought the cinematography was just awkward. I felt that there was an air of awkward silence when Harry was talking to people. Have you noticed? This movie is mostly just Harry talking, talking, then doing somethings, and more talking. Even Ron and Hermione seems insignificant (yes I know this is the final battle between HP and Voldemort but I still think the other characters shouldn't be neglected).

On http://xdearlydamagedx.tumblr.com/ I found this and I don't think it's far-fetched at all
1) Harry walking out of the group of students in the hall, I’m sorry, when did that happen in the book? Oh thats right IT DIDN’T. I don’t know why it bothered me so much but I can remember clutching my friends hand saying “this isn’t right! This isn’t right!!!”

2) Fred dying, we didn’t even see it happen, nor did we see Tonks and Lupin die either, Fred and George were hardly seen in the second movie, it kind of erased the significance of his death, also, where the hell was Percy? Did he disappear of the face of the earth? Was he even in that movie? He was meant to bloody redeem himself after everything, but no. Didn’t happen

3) The romance between Ginny and Harry was shocking. Where was the passion, that one kiss there did nothing for me. It was like “Off to go fight to the death. Kae bye”

4) Harry’s death. Okay when Harry left Ron didn’t even hug him. Ron’s just chilling like “yeah its all good, best mates going to go die. Shit happens.” When everyone believed him to be dead, where were Hagrids tears? Screams of angst coming from the crowd, there was none. NONE AT ALL, well there was Ginny but that was it.

Also in the nineteen years later, Ginny looked terrible. Sorry, I hated how she looked there.
Besides that the movie was great.

OH and one more thing, after 18 years of hearing “you have your mothers eyes” do you think in the flash back, they could of gotten an actress with BLUE EYES?! I know in the book, Harry is meant to have green eyes, but still. I SEE THIS RANGA CHICK WITH BROWN EYES AND IM NOT HAPPY!

(In response to my answers)
no, Hagrid did NOT know that harry wasn’t dead at all, in the book he was crying all over the place
I guess I'm not the only one to think the last HP movie lacked a little. I'm most bothered by points 2 and 4 mentioned above. By the lack of emotions from characters and the lack of supporting characters I think the movie got too focused on HP and Voldemort, HP and Voldemort that it forgot the other elements.

Despite the disappointment, this movie also has my favorite HP scene out of the all the 8 movies. It's when everyone in Hogwarts united to protect their school. Favorite quote of this movie is definitely McGonagall and her Piertotum Locomotor moment (still part of my favorite scene hehe). There are definitely some comic relieving lines in the scripting throughout the movie for sure!

Unfortunately I can't find the complete scene online :(..only the beginning. But for those of you who watched it you probably which part:

Another part I found was funny was how during that fire thing when they met Draco and co Ron just grabbed Hermione and ran, leaving HP behind. LOLOL and their kiss was sooo random to the point of hilarity. Also seeing Snape's scene with all his memories and all that, I really do applaud Snape's acting skills (I dunno the real actor's name lol)

From smartini.tumblr: "My dad and I were talking about the Harry Potter movies and books and he realized something. He said it was ironic how everyone thought before there were going to be seven movies, but there ended up being eight. Just like the pieces of Voldemorts soul. There were supposed to be seven, but there ended up being eight..."

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