

2011-07-07 Summer Update

10 days have passed...
22 days left...
what did I do?...
well let's see, I've been actually really busy these days. haha so for the last day of June I caught up to all the episodes of Conan (which took about 10 months to do so...haha); watched a bunch of other movies (mostly western ones); cleaned up my blogs (like I always do...really have no life haha); I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE!! (yeyeyeye); registered for my uni courses! (FREE TUESDAY!! yeah!); and was CLEANING and PACKING and SELLING things...haha. and with most of my friends working/volunteering/gone for holidays, I only got to hung out for only two days so far (if I do it too much my dad will complain too @_@) Gotta say I threw away a lot of things!!! Just the other day I was cleaning up my notes from school...some dated back to grade 9..haha yeahhh....and ended up with a bag of recycle. Then I cleaned the basement where I kept all the old projects and more school things...another two bags of recycle. And I have sooooo much books!! @_@ I filled 2 big boxes of just my books...and they are only chinese ones. then another box for piano. and another for school binders...yeahhh Today I packed up most of my clothes. So now my room is pretty messy and empty. haha And the basement is....empty but also very messy. I'm thinking I can probably finish packing most of my stuff (not needed for the next 22 days) tomorrow :) Then I have to prepare for our garage sale next week. Seriously I think my entire summer this year would be occupied with packing and unpacking. To think I have to unpack all the stuff I packed later on in August. wahhhh o___O oh yeah and I watched the first episode of City Hunter...though I'll write a separate post on that.

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