

2011-06-21 Life is a result of infinitely amount of perfect coincidences...

It so crazy how life plays out itself. Every minute, every second, there will be someone doing something, thinking of something. And once in a while strangers will come together and part again. Even when we walk down the street, it might be possible that we might have met that stranger beside you sometime ago. Who knows, maybe in a few years you'd become good friends. In a sense, I do believe in fate. If something is meant to be yours, it'll find ways to come back to you.Take selling and buying our houses for example. Out of all the houses my family had visited and looked at in BC, we chose that house. And it's completely by accident too since my dad just happened to pass by it when it was having an open house. And for the most part, we like it! However, our first offer was rejected and it was said the owner accepted another one instead. Saddened to lose such a good valued home and that we're back to the drawing board, we tried not to feel too disappointed and move on. Who'd have ever thought a week later, the owner asked us again if we wanted the house because the initial offer didn't fall through due to mortgage problems. If there hadn't been the mortgage problem with the other family, we would still be hunting for a home.

Another incredible chain of events worked out in the end today! For the past month of selling our home we had gotten an offer. But the pricing was really low so we didn't think it would follow through. With the contract ending with our realtor, we thought maybe we can contact the buyers themselves, hoping to make a compromise with pricing and realtor fees to make this deal work. But our detective work failed and we failed to locate the phone number of the buyer. Annoyed and unable to communicate effectively with the buyer's realtor, we had given up with that family. So we scheduled another appointment with another realtor yesterday night, thinking of signing another contract. Things happened and the new realtor couldn't come at the last minute (which lead to more annoyance and out of impulsive anger we didn't reschedule). Instead we found another asian realtor to come in this afternoon. Then out of the blues, the buyer from the initial offer phoned us! And we were finally able to communicate our suggestion in sealing the deal with them (without the intervention of their annoying and incompetent realtor). Our proposal would not have worked if we had signed a new contract last night! (thankfully we didn't!). And the realtor that's coming this afternoon turned out to be the perfect guy to carry out the legal side of our proposal. It turned out the reason the buyer decided to phone us is because they are annoyed at their realtor as well! haha oh the turn of events. And that they really really really like our house...they just don't have that much money to buy it. (that still amazes me. out of all those people looking at our home back in 2005 when we failed to sell and this year, we finally found another family who prefer our house over a newer establishment! the chances of that :D) And what's more crazy is that if their realtor wasn't annoying them, if yesterday our new potential realtor wasn't busy, if we hadn't not reschedule, this opportunity wouldn't happen! Although nothing is official yet, hope is in sight! :) (my generalization left out a lot of detail and made it quite confusing to read. I guess it's for my own reference XD)

Life surely is a series of coincidences. 10 years ago when we were looking for houses, we never thought we'd buy the house we live in now. Back then, both this house and my now neighbor's house were for sale. I remember visiting the neighboring house and hearing my parents say how my parents don't want to see the other one (my current home). I remember looking the outside of my current house when we were leaving and thinking that's a nice house. The frontier of that house (my current home) was probably one of the most vivid images I still remember out of all the houses we looked at ten years ago. Who'd have thought, a few months later we ended up buying that-house-my-parents-didn't-want-to-see-at-first! LOL Life sure is a funny thing. Not only with houses but with people as well. Who'd have thought the girl I happened to meet on my first day of school in Canada (May 1) ended up being my BFF despite our 3 parted years of our latter elementary experience. Or I'd end up rooming and probably be BFF-for-life with that girl I got grouped with in YoWoChas back in grade 7.

As Benjamin Button would say, "Sometimes we're on a collision course, and we just don't know it. Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it." Sometimes we don't think about stuff like this. But whatever the future holds, I'm excited for it.

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