

2011-06-25 Plans for Summer 2011

omg summer is almost here!! yayayaya! gotta start making a summer list on the things I need to do! haha

- have a Miyazaki marathon
- watch movies from my flixster list
- watch Conan hehehehe...all caught up! now only have to watch the new movie and ova :)
- dramas? not too sure I want to waste my time on that...should probably do that on road trip instead
- go eat a New York Bagels...never had the time :( oh the sadness
- watch movies with friends...HP7 HP7 HP7!!!~~ and Xmen :)
- shopping with friends...though I need to save money T__T...at Capital Ex! Yay for $5 bags hehehe
- take lots of pictures...hmmm i did take a lot of photos on Canada Day but not those creative ones...maybe I'll start once I have to time on n
- KTV! lalala~...oh another grand plan failed due to time conflicts :(
- get my license ...yayayayay!!!
- sell my old stuff...sold a lot but still have a lot~~ man i have way too much junk
- have a garage sale...made quite a lot of money! hehehe
- clean all my junk LOL...sure did! :)
- start exercising again
- learn the kpop dances
- go to a bar and club. hehe...a plan that was postponed from June to July but then I couldn't go due to time conflicts since my friends are too busy working! ah the poo. now I have to wait till Dec to go since I have to be 19 to do so now~~~
- move ;(...for some reason I feel strangely at ease. I guess it still feels like summer vacation and that I'll still see all my friends again once school starts...but holy smokes the past week had been the most tiring week of my life. 
- register for my uni courses!
- get everything ready for uni 
- explore vancouver
- decorate house and room :)
- organize my blogs and blog!
- organize my songs
- update my songs! and playlists!
- I want to get a job but I can't get a job...-sigh-...got a job!!
- read! The last book I read for pleasure was actually last summer! @__@ -- need to read Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Sherlock Holmes!, Atonement, The Outliers
- learn photoshop and improve photography skills!
- learn to cook
- want to watch House again from season 1...wants to see how much I understand now, now that I have completed Bio 30. haha ...haha watched like first few episodes of season 1...rewatching it is really not that much fun since I still remembered what happened...I understand it somewhat but still not really. haha all very big med words T_T

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