

2011-06-19 Haunted House, Bears and Wolves, and Jaejoong...

Jaejoong: Forgotten Season

Last night I slept in the worst position ever possible. I was so tired when I woke up this morning. And my dream was definitely something worthy of blogging. For the first part of the night (more like from 3am to 7am since I couldn't fall asleep until 3am), it was quite a scary dream.
So it first started as a school trip. J, A, and C were there with me. The school trip was visiting this abandoned house...it has this haunting feel to it. Everywhere was really dark and it was lit up with candlelight. The tables were made of wood...all you would expect of an ancient abandoned house. The host (or is he the guide?) was really creepy. I don't remember what he looks like but I still remember the feeling of being very afraid. I still remember vividly that we all sat across this long table for dinner. I was sitting at the edge of the table, the first one near the very dark hallway. It was very scary because I was afraid that someone is going attack me from behind. And A kept asking me if her bald spot was okay...it wasn't (when she showed me it was bald like an old man) but I still told her don't worry about it. (sooo weird now you think about it). Anyhow, after dinner (I honestly don't remember eating anything...just being scared the whole time), it was time to leave. But the yellow bus is not here! So some people decided to walk back to the school. The path looked like a mix between something I've seen at Bamfield, Shad, and in a Miyzaki movie. I was going to walk when I heard the teacher say the bus would be here soon and my friends are going to take the bus. So while waiting I kind of walked around to passed the time. I was somehow walking in my neighborhood on Carmichael Close. As I turned and saw what is present day the construction sites on Rabbit Hill Rd, I SAW BEARS AND WOLVES! They looked like they were eating grass. LOL but still. And they were humongous!
It was really scary! And I quickly ran back in the direction of my house. All the while seeing another person biking right to where the bears and wolves are...and I thought of two things: 1) how is she not afraid and 2) how come the animals didn't eat her. Gosh. and then the bears charged in my direction @_@ Thank goodness I turned around the corner and they passed me. I also heard them talking...in english...The wolves were saying how they can bully the bears to leave the area so they can get food. The bears were discussing where they should go next for food. When I heard that I remember thinking, why are they speaking in english and not chinese? Do they only learn the international language? LMAO. So anyhow, I quickly went back to my house, in my garage (somehow the garage door was open and there were no cars in it). Then someone told me the bus left and everybody left. I panicked and wanted to go back inside my house because of the wolves and bears outside but realized inside was the haunted house and I might get killed in there too. Then I woke up and realized it was 7am. My neck was hurting really bad (which was probably the reason I had the nightmare). So after trying to get myself comfortable (kinda failed) I fell asleep again. The next thing I remember was I was at this square. It was raining and there was a thin sheet of ice covering the entire square. In order to walk to a certain place, I had to step through the ice. Anyhow, it was a DBSK concert (more like just Yunho and Changmin) but I didn't actually see them. Instead, I saw Jaejoong there at the back of the audience while I was near the front. I remember thinking "oh yeah, Jaejoong and Yunho are good friends again". The reason Jaejoong was there was to support their concert. Everyone got really excited to see Jaejoong there and we were yelling "Kim Jaejoong", "Kim Jaejoong" and surrounding him. (so weird lol but there really wasn't a lot of people) Then his company people came and told him they need to leave. Then Jaejoong saw me and told me to come with him. (oh the start of the good part of the dream. lolololol) I have no idea how we communicated but then again nothing in a dream makes sense. He wanted me to show him the city and we ended up going to see Westbrook, walked down some place, and took the bus. LOL on the bus he asked me what my favorite movies are. And I was like, Pirates I, Titanic, and a bunch of others...he was like Day of Tomorrow, I was like: yeah I love that. Oh yes we ate ice cream too. By the end, he said thanks for the awesome day and we parted and I woke up. It was kinda funny cuz when I was still half dazed when I woke up I was thinking, did we exchange email addresses? LOLOL Yup that was my very weird dream with haunted house, scary wolves, and spending my day with Jaejoong.

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