

How to get HUGE eyes ^.~

I was always fascinated at the humongous eyes of some asian girls, like the ones above. Are they born that way? Did they all get eye surgery? Whoas, I want eyes like those...

Well, over the summer, I learned that most of the photos are photoshopped. I even tried one myself, though my glasses are in the way and made the entire process difficult.

I look like a hyperactive hamster. hahahahaha

However, photoshop may create an unreal look. So how do the others do it? Just recently, I found out that there are actually contact lenses that can make your eyes look BIG. whoas @_@ ...and...change colors too.

One brand is called "Cooleye" from South Korea. Basically, I think it just dilates your pupil so it looks big. I have no idea how well it'll work on people with small eyes. It'll be interesting to see. hahaha. Well I certainly wouldn't suggest wearing these after driving home from partying. What if the police thought you are drunk and driving. hahaha
You can buy them here.
I actually kind of want to try it. Just for fun. =D
Imagine me with blue eyes. hahahahaha

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  1. ..::::佳::::`` said... May 14, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    hahaha love the hamster look! :P you should def try #07 sometime ;D

  2. Jenny Tao said... May 16, 2011 at 6:39 PM

    woow I posted this such a long time ago...haha. reading this is kinda funny. I had no idea what circle lens were back then. LOL

    omg I always wanted blue eyes! imagine me with blue eyes and blonde hair. LOL I can't imagine. haha but I should try it one day...when I get circle lens...that is if I get contacts first. LOL