
2011-05-16 Asian Shops

I never thought I would be interested in buying stuff online but it appears the Wholesale fever caught up with me. I think it's after finding about Ciel Shop, I realized that there's probably more similar stores that do local facetrades for asian things. Sure thing, I googled and found a lot more on facebook. My obsession would probably stop there if I had been satisfied with browsing through the products and possibly place an order but nuuuueee my mind just had to lead me thinking: what if I opened a shop like that too? It seemed like a pretty safe investment since everything is pre-ordered and you only order what the customers want so there's no problem in unable to sell an item. Then I wondered how people made money which is why wholesale popped up in my mind. So I spent a loonnngg time searching for wholesale suppliers and reading about shipping policies and browsing through the products. The biggest concern I have is not the shipping but the taxes through custom and all that stuff. And the stuff the facebook shops sell are as cheap as wholesale sometimes. I really want to know how they make money or who their suppliers are. So in the end, I still didn't find an answer to my questions. Probably a big waste of time LOL but I sure did find a lot of online stores that seem decent. Maybe I should buy somethings first and figure out how the whole exchange work and then maybe as I'm getting used to dealings like this I'll start my own. Maybe I'll find a Sauders business student to do this with me...haha. But I'm definitely going to look into that this summer...and buy some things too...like that necklace in the photo! Too bad the store is USA based :(

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  1. ..::::佳::::`` said... May 21, 2011 at 1:06 PM

    I'll be waiting to be your first customer ;)

  2. Jenny Tao said... May 25, 2011 at 11:12 PM

    or you should open it with me ;D