

2010-03-06 Antigone Oral

omg omg omg omg omg omG oMG OMG!!
I got 100% on my oral!=D
I am soo happy =D

This was a huge surprise because right after our presentation, Tuba was like: "Okay people, there is no catharsis in each episode. There is only one catharsis in the entire play and that happens in the last episode." Now, in our presentation, we mentioned that there is NO catharsis in our episode ~ but when she commented on the catharsis, she sounded as if we said there IS catharsis...and that made us all worried and confused. She also asked about Creon's paranoia, which Andrea talked about in her presentation~ but she asked the class for answers before we can even put my group could put hands up to answer T__T Basically, we all felt like we did really really bad and failed our oral. In fact, the night before, Shaheer had a feeling that we missed something important and would get pwned on by Tuba since we only really started to focus on this oral the night before. So after her comments, we thought we did bad and we were all too afraid to check our marks the next day, except for Shaheer. So we all observed his expressions when he opened his folder, it turned to be one of excitement =D

So I'm happy that I finally did something good in English =D ~ now it's okay if I failed the chem test (...no it's not okay but now I won't feel as bad ^^ )

Maybe because it was a group oral but I feel like I have a clear organization of our presentation. Previously, I thought everything linked together so my presentation was very repetitive and not as organized. Actually, my first speech was just as repetitive but I consciously changed it to make it flow. We also made sure our group linked back to the concept of the Greek theater and our speeches flows with each others (we referred back to each other speeches). But I think the biggest difference is that I actually practiced presenting it orally~ a lot!

Now I just hope I don't fail my reading test and in-class writing assignment next week. >___<

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