
2010-03-28 Bake N Cakes

A few days back, I saw the advertisement for "Bake N Cakes" in a Chinese newspaper. It's a bakery and cafe featuring Hong Kong food. The pictures looks so delicious and the place looks so cute I just have to try it. Unfortunately, when I got there, I was quite disappointed in their food =(

I ordered 蛋饱饭 because I had no idea what it is and the person described as really delicious. It turned out to be just an uber thin layer of egg wrapped around a lot ...I mean an ENORMOUS amount...of rice with a few disappointing pieces of warm chicken pieces. When I was eating, I felt like I ordered three bowl of white rice rather than a dish with chicken and eggs. @____@ The only thing I liked it is the actually the sesame bowl that came with the dish. I thought it was a cute bowl =D

My mom ordered noodles~ the noodles were basically instant noodles; the soup was full of MSG and it was, once again, warm. So in the end, the meal was not very satisfying but the drinks weren't bad. My mom and I tried their milk tea and Jasmine bubble tea. The milk tea wasn't as good as the ones I drank in Hong Kong but was still good =). I really like the bubble tea: it smells good & it tastes good =D

I hate to be so harsh but I was really disappointed. Maybe I should have just tried their baked goods since they are a bakery but that won't make them any different from other bakeries. Too bad ~

Oh and I thought the spoon I used was really cool~ it was huuggee =D lol I get fascinated so easily.

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