

2011-06-12 Annoyed at so many things T_T

So I've been selling a few second hand things online for a while now. When you sell secondhand stuff you kinda get used to people giving low counter offers or ask you to deliver. Although the whole oh-can-you-do-this-and-that-because-I-am-the-only-person-who's-buying-your-thing attitude annoys me, I learned to just accept it since it's partially true. But recently, I met this really annoying person. From the way the person writes her email and the kind of questions she asks, I'm guessing she is probably a teenage around age 14-15. So what got me to be really annoyed at her is her endless requests. Who does she think she is? Or maybe, knowing me, I'm just less...kind and generous. lol Anyhow, at first she emailed me a few weeks because she wanted some clips. I told her I don't sell individuals so she decided to by my hair accessory pack. I was pretty happy because I kinda want to sell that bunch of stuff. But then she was like, oh can you please deliver it to my house. I specifically replied saying I can only deliver in southside or else we can meet at the mall. Then she replied, oh I live (insert address here) and tell me when you're coming...well FYI, she lives on the northside and she still expects me to deliver???!! Does she have selective reading or what? So I was like sorry I can't, bye. That's the end of that. Then a week later she emailed me again because she wanted to buy shirts. Well the same problem exist! I CAN'T DELIVER TO HER! So she suggested oh can you go to kingsway mall. Since I have to attend a volunteer appreciation dinner the coming Tuesday near Kingsway area I was like, okay I can meet. Then she was like, oh why cant' you come to my house then. So I had to explain a bunch of stuff like it's more convenient for me to go to the mall since it's like 3 min away from the dinner place and that I don't have the time to look for her house. And she was like, oh sorry I can't go to the mall. @!#$@* oh who was the one who SUGGESTED to meet there??! And now you can't go? WTH...but I barely my teeth and asked my mom if she can deliver to her house after dropping me off on Tuesday anyways since she is buying $24 dollar worth of stuff. Okay so I am now delivering to her house. Is that the end? NOOOOOO then she kept asking me, oh what did I want to buy again and how much are they? I kindly emailed her the items she wanted THREE TIMES! AND SHE STILL ASKS ME SO HOW MUCH ARE THE ITEMS AGAIN??? Does she not know how to read emails????!!! DOES SHE NOT KNOW MATH?? SIMPLE ADDITION???!! IS SHE STUPID? Like gosh. She I had to individually list out the items and their price and including the total price. Then she was like, oh that's so expensive, I don't want this anymore, how much is that? and can I have this other thing for a cheaper price. Ahem who do you think you are? I'm already delivering to your house and you want them for a cheaper price? And obviously she can't subtract herself either. I'm like: no way Jose! So she ended up wanting $19 worth of stuff. End of story? NOOOOOOOOOO A day later she was like: will the clothes fit me? I didn't respond to her...way too annoyed. And today she was like, oh I changed my mind, I don't want this item anymore. And she was like how much is that excluding that item....that's probably like the 4th time she asked me!!! OMG CAN'T SHE DO MATH HERSELF??? WTH And I don't have to patience to play her little games and accommodate all her requests. Just watch, tomorrow she might be like, oh I changed my mind again and don't want this anymore too. I feel played. I mean I think I'm already very generous in delivering them to her house but she just kept asking more and more! I decided I'm not selling to her anymore. The only reason I agreed to deliver to her house is because she wants the hair accessory pack and buying $24 dollars of stuff. Now she doesn't even want it and is buying a lot less things. The other things I can easily sell to other people. Seriously, I'm don't need her money. Does she think I'm begging for her money or something? because that's the message I'm getting. It's like she thinks I'm begging her to buy all these things that I will do anything to get her money. I'm sorry but my pride does not allow me to continually submitting to all her requests, which is probably a bad thing for me if I want to sell things (lol) but I'm just really fed up with her so that's that. Besides, I don't really want to go to the dinner anymore because I have a math final the next day.

Oh man writing this makes me even more angry. I have so much rage these days. Gosh. Why do I keep meeting annoying people these days? For a while I thought it's just because of my perception but when I thought about it, I'm pretty sure it's not my problem (maybe that's the problem? LOL) But I'm still angry at the incompetent hairdresser I encounter last week. I still have soo much anger for what she did to me. I don't even want to start ranting about it. Thinking about it just makes me angry x100000000 and cry at the same time. yes I'm not going to deny that I rage easily. That I can be very extreme. That I'm not as forgiving as a lot of people when someone makes a mistake. That I don't think everyone as all nice and good -- I think everyone acts based on personal interests. And yes, I'm revengeful. What you do to me, I'll return the favor. These make sound like a really nasty person heh. I simply just want fairness. By paying $65 for a haircut from a senior stylist, I expect a good haircut. But obviously that's not the case with Maxim Hair and Body's Vivian!! (yeh I'm writing her real name here). Like I even brought pictures to show her what I want. And what I got...WORLD'S WORST HAIRCUT EVER!!!! AND MY REQUEST WASN'T EVEN THAT HARD! I JUST WANT SIDE BANGS???!! IS THAT HARD? I DON'T THINK SO!!!! BUT APPARENTLY IT IS FOR THIS SENIOR STYLIST!! HOW THE HECK DID SHE EVEN EARN THAT TITLE ANYWAYS???? OMG I WANNA GET HER FIRED. GOSH. SHE NEEDS TO GO BACK TO SCHOOOLLLLL AND LEARN THE BASICS!! AND WHEN I TOLD HER WHY DOES IT LOOK SO FUNNY, SHE WAS LIKE, OH YOUR HAIR IS JUST LIKE THAT. IT'LL GET BETTER A FEW DAYS LATER. WELL FOR HER INFORMATION, I HAD SIDE BANGS BEFORE AND IT DID NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!!!!!!!! AND IT DID NOT GET BETTER A FEW DAYS LATER!!!! I WAITED SO LONG FOR MY BANGS TO GROW OUT SO I CAN GET SIDE BANGS AND THIS IS WHAT A GOT. WTF??? OF COURSE I'M MAD! WHO WOULDN'T BE WHEN THEIR HAIRSTYLE JUST GOT MESSED UP??? AND IS IRREVERSIBLE BECAUSE IT'S CUT!! IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE THE CUT. AND MY MOM JUST HAD TO MAKE IT WORSE BY NOT LISTENING TO ME AND THINK SHE KNOWS WHAT I WANT AND JUST GO AHEAD AND "FIXING IT" EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE!!!! BUT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!! WHY CAN'T SHE JUST FOLLOW WHAT I SAY!! OMG I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME TO KNOW WHAT I WANT WHEN THEY ACTUALLY DON'T! IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND DON'T PRETEND YOU DO. AAARRRRGGGGGGG. AND SHE GOT ALL ANNOYED AT ME BECAUSE I'M HAVING A FIT. SHE STILL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY I'M MAD. JUST ASSUMING I'M HAVE A HISSY FIT AND BEING A PRINCESS. ARRRRRRGGGG EVERY HEARD THE SAYING THAT EVERYTHING HAPPEN FOR A REASON? YES I BELIEVE IN THAT BECAUSE EVERYTHING I DO, SAY, THINK, FEEL HAS A REASON BEHIND IT. OR ELSE I WOULDN'T DO WHAT I DO, SAY WHAT I SAY, THINK HOW I THINK, FEEL HOW I FEEL ABOUT THINGS. JUST BELIEVE I DON'T SAY THE REASON DOESN'T MEAN THERE ISN'T ONE.................I need to stop. I'm getting angrier and angrier and can't concentrate on preparing for english diploma anymore....yeah and rage is making my grammar and spelling all messed up. LOL

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