

2010-01-14 Update todday!

omg. yesterday wwass bbruttall
english essay AND english oral! I can't believe I pulled it off!
2hrs of sleep and I'm still surviving! Not sleepy at all! wow

Today scared the heck out of me in English class. I had a small 13min panic attack after realizing one person before me is not presenting so I am presenting for sure.. @_@
I was so nervous at what I was going to say. I'm glad I decided to expand more on when he didn't realize his illness and didn't mention the intro with point. I guess along the way, I just talked what I know and didn't really look at my notes. My mouth was soo dry by the end but I am happy that Miss Tuba was all smiling and nodding. I hope I get a good mark!

...and I hope I do well in the essay too. There may be some deadwood but I hope she agree with my ideas. I tried to be as insightful and clear as I can. Hope to get a good mark for that too..

well right now I'm just happy that English is over with. I feel a huge load just came off~ phew~
now I have to catch up on everything else I didn't really pay attention on. well now I don't have to worry about it over the weekend =D

....except math. meh. I'll study hard for it. ^.~

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