

2010-01-15 Today sucked...

Okay, I got my English oral mark... and my stupid French oral.
Let's just say they are not the best. Worse than I expected.
For English, based on the rubric, it's understandable but for french, I'm just disappointed.

*sigh* Screw this. At least it's over. And apparently Mr. Ho is mad that people skipped the test. Great. But no way was I doing it today. Gonna do it on Mooonday.

To forget about all this bad stuff, I decided to go and watch Sherlock Holmes. Flush away the terrible week. Blahh =(

Oh ya, Getfest is kinda annoying me. The people are not getting much done and hindering us from doing much. Geez. We want the posters ASAP!!! and in the meetings, they always misunderstand us or never answer our questions. gggeeezzz

For this weekend, I'll have to review math, chem, and social, French on Sunday. But I'm so glad I don't have to worry about English anymore. =D

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