
Emoticons & Internet Slangs

Back a long long time ago, I read the Madison Finn series and I was hooked with all the abbr. they used. I wasn't familiar with msn at that time so I thought these are what everybody used. I got all of these from the books...can you believe it? I actually wrote them all down. Quite interesting.

  • :-) Happy
  • d:-) Baseball cap on
  • :-p Sticking out tongue
  • :-( Unhappy
  • :-[ Vampire
  • <:>)) Very happy
  • :-6 So wiped out
  • :-S It makes no sense
  • :-CCC Boo-hoo-hoo
  • |-) Tee hee
  • :>) Smile
  • (())* Hugs and smooches
  • :-@ I’m screaming!
  • ;-) Wink
  • :-* Kiss
  • :-\ Doubtful
  • >=] Sneaky grin
  • :-S What?
  • :-X My lips are sealed
  • :-& Tongue-tied
  • :-(*) It makes me sick
  • :-! My foot’s in my mouth
  • :] Talk to me
  • :)~ Drooling
  • (:-… Brokenhearted
  • :-lk- Long dress
  • :-*** Smooches
  • :~(~~ Poor you!
  • :”) I’m so embarrassed
  • {(i)} Butterfly
  • :-~l Sick with the flu
  • O Rudolph
  • l-C Sleepy
  • &’’’-l You’re making me cry
  • &:-p Goofy face
  • ]-8 Wearing sunglasses and lip gloss
  • -=#:-)/ Wizard and his wand
  • =8-o Shocked
  • %-6 Brain-dead
  • w/ With
  • m(_)m My apologies
  • 8>o Uh-oh!
  • X-S Completely confused
  • I’m so angry
  • *G* Giggle
  • *yawn* How boring
  • *wink* With a wink
  • *^_^* Dazzling grin
  • T^ Thumbs up

  • AU – As Usual
  • BBN- Bye Bye Now
  • BRB – Be right back
  • BTW – By the way
  • CML – Call me later
  • CUL8R – See you later
  • DGT – Don’t go there
  • E-Z – Easy
  • FC – Fingers crossed
  • FYA – For your amusement
  • FYI – For your info
  • G2R – Got to run!
  • GAL – Get a life
  • GGN – Gotta go now
  • GTSY – Good to See You
  • HTH – Hope this helps
  • IMO – In my opinion
  • IMS – I’m sorry
  • INYH – I need your help
  • J/J – Just joking
  • J/K – Just kidding
  • J/W- Just wondering
  • LOL – Laugh out loud
  • LTNS – Long time no see
  • ML – More later
  • N2M - Not too much
  • NE1 – Anyone
  • NM – Never mind
  • NP – No problem
  • NY – Not yet
  • NYP – Not your problem
  • OMG – Oh my gosh
  • QW – Quit worrying
  • R? – Really?
  • RN! – Right now!
  • SYS – See you soon
  • TIX- Tickets
  • TM- Trust me
  • TMA – Take my advice
  • TOOC – Totally out of control
  • TTFN – Ta ta for now
  • TX – Thanks
  • U – You
  • VG – Very good
  • WAY? – What about you?
  • WBS – Write back soon
  • WCA – Who cares anyways?
  • WB – Welcome back
  • WTG – Way to go
  • YR – Yeah right
  • YTTT – You’re telling me the truth
  • YW – You’re welcome
  • 007 – Top Secret
  • 1daful – Wonderful
  • 2morrow – Tomorrow
  • 2gether – Together
  • 2K4W – Too cool for words
  • 404 – I have no clue
  • 4get - Foget
  • M8 – Mate
  • W8 – Wait!

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